Why does my duck HATE my girlfriend?


5 Years
Nov 16, 2014
So, my pet duck Steve is about 6 months old and he HATES my girlfriend. He will literally single her out in a crowd and attack her. He seems to have some sort of resentment towards females but to her he is actually out for blood. I had Steve on my bed once and she was laying on the bed and he came up to her and pecked her face just because. He also attacks her feet, he's chases her down my entire hallway. He wants to kill her, and I don't know why.

Here's the peculiar part though - she's not new. Steve used to take naps on her chest when he was days old. I went home over Christmas and brought Steve but she didn't come. I also have a sister, and my mom was at home also. So it wasn't like he spent his first month of life completely out of the realm of females. But once I came home he's been the Queen of Hearts towards her. I don't understand, can anybody just explain this to me?
His hormone's have surfaced. He thinks you belong to him. He doesn't have a female duck, so he has bonded to you.

He doesn't want to share you with her.

Yep, hit the nail on the head! Wobbles used to be just as snuggly with my husband, but when puberty kicked in he became public enemy #1!

There are two ways to help: Get him a lady duck, or have your girlfriend assert her dominance. We're trying to implement both in my home, but so far Wobs has been stubborn.
Ha! My male pekin is the same way with my husband. Ruger charges and chases my husband whenever he steps into the enlosure. If we both hold a hand out to Ruger he will nuzzle my hand then bite my husbands.

I just had back surgery so my hubby has been feeding and watering the flock and I can't stop laughing seeing him run scared with a duck nipping at his heels.
We do the same thing, we both put our hands in his pen and he will bite hers! This makes sense, she has a rabbit that hated me but was more than obsessed with her. It all happened once he hit rabbit puberty, but once he got neutered he was a lot more civil with me. She wants to know how to assert her dominance without hurting him?
We have noticed that if my husband doesn't run from him, and turns and faces him, Ruger backs off. I think at this point he mostly charges because he gets a reaction. Also if I pick Ruger up he will let my husband pet him without trying to bite....maybe just getting them on equal levels, I dunno.
Ruger doesn't like anyone getting near his girlfriend, Winchester. Not even me. He will always position himself between her and me and he gets grumpy when I raid the nest. But I just talk to him and don't act upset or scared and he will wander off. My husband kinda spazz's out lol.
We do the same thing, we both put our hands in his pen and he will bite hers! This makes sense, she has a rabbit that hated me but was more than obsessed with her. It all happened once he hit rabbit puberty, but once he got neutered he was a lot more civil with me. She wants to know how to assert her dominance without hurting him?

What kind of duck is he? The way males establish dominance in a natural flock is by mounting and holding the lesser males' heads down. Wobbles is a teeny tiny call duck and Hils is a 200-lb meat brick, so instead of mounting we turn him into a potato: Pick him up, turn him over and hold him like a hamburger! He HATES it!
What kind of duck is he? The way males establish dominance in a natural flock is by mounting and holding the lesser males' heads down. Wobbles is a teeny tiny call duck and Hils is a 200-lb meat brick, so instead of mounting we turn him into a potato: Pick him up, turn him over and hold him like a hamburger! He HATES it!

I need video of this potato maneuver.
So, my pet duck Steve is about 6 months old and he HATES my girlfriend. He will literally single her out in a crowd and attack her. He seems to have some sort of resentment towards females but to her he is actually out for blood. I had Steve on my bed once and she was laying on the bed and he came up to her and pecked her face just because. He also attacks her feet, he's chases her down my entire hallway. He wants to kill her, and I don't know why.

Here's the peculiar part though - she's not new. Steve used to take naps on her chest when he was days old. I went home over Christmas and brought Steve but she didn't come. I also have a sister, and my mom was at home also. So it wasn't like he spent his first month of life completely out of the realm of females. But once I came home he's been the Queen of Hearts towards her. I don't understand, can anybody just explain this to me?
it might not even be hormones, ducks can just attach to a person, like as a dog would i found my muskies to be just like i had a little dog in a feather body,mainly bc when their happy they actually wag their tails, its so cute, plus they follow me. Mine didnt like my girlfriend either they were very protective over me as a dog would be, but they warmed up to her after awhile. and ducks can attach to one single person, i have an identical twin brother but my ducks can tell the difference, when i picket hem up to put them in the pen they just lay in my arms, but when he picks them up their talons rip up his shirt, and they sometimes poop on him. lol

so in general he could jet be overprotective of you, and one way to do it without him hurting her is to let her have some alone time with him, just let her have him for a whole day, he will probably bite a lot but it takes a big foot foreward to get to the first step.

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