Why does my roo look so bad? Is it the hens?

Cat food in small quantities, or even your left over meat scraps would be an option if you can't get the game bird feed. Chickens are omnivores, meaning meat and veggies in their diet is best for their growth and maintenance.
Well I guess if the hay and manure daily and seeds don't help along with the pine tar the cat food will be next. They seem more content now with more to pick at. I hope these changes work. I did separate the ones being picked in hopes that will deter a little also. Thanks for all the help.
You are seeing cannibalism here . . . .

Take the hens out of the pen with him. He may object, but, if you leave him in the pen by himself long enough, he will heal up.

If you leave the hens with him, they are going to learn to like the taste of blood, IF they haven't learned already.
It seems the new additions are working some. I also put a saddle on one of my hens that the roos seem to like a LOT. She didn't like it at first ran around like something was after her. She finally is doing much better with it. I will try to get pics of her in her new Saddle. I decided to remove Fred from the pen with the hens. He is now a free range bird. Hopefully this will give him time to heal. I couldn't remove the hens due to having to replay an Easter egg hunt everyday. (Too many places for them to hide).

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