WHy don't my chicks love me?


9 Years
Jan 15, 2011
They always run to the back of the brooder when they see me
Anyone have any ideas on how to make them love me?
should i feed them anything special like cracked corn or fruits? I probably should be quieter and move slowly, I kind of do sing loudly and slam the door and then there are those times when i jump around like a kangaroo. SHould I give them miny tomatoes?
Eh, don't sweat it at that age. For the first few weeks, all the chicks I've had have been like that. Even when hand-feeding them, they initially act like, "Ah! The hand of death! Run away!" leave the hand in there for a minute and they seem to forget their previous moment's terror. Move the hand again and you are back to being the hand of death. Sheesh.

After a few weeks of this, however, they start to recognize you and come running when you get near. The Andalusians I just raised for a friend wouldn't get the heck off my head and shoulders when I tried to tidy up the brooder. Rather disturbing, that--particularly when I noticed their interest in my eyeballs...

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