why don't people like poached eggs?

My favorite way to cook eggs is sunny side up, soft yolks. When I was in ND I fried eggs for my grandsons for breakfast. I didn't cook the yolks until they were hard. My grandsons made some remarks about they thought I needed some egg cooking lessons.

When they talked to their Mom later that day, they told her I tried to kill them!

Seems she told them that soft yolks have ALL kinds of germs in them that will cause people to drop dead!

That's too bad. I love frying eggs and dipping the other food in the yolks.
My favorite way to cook eggs is sunny side up, soft yolks. When I was in ND I fried eggs for my grandsons for breakfast. I didn't cook the yolks until they were hard. My grandsons made some remarks about they thought I needed some egg cooking lessons.

When they talked to their Mom later that day, they told her I tried to kill them!

Seems she told them that soft yolks have ALL kinds of germs in them that will cause people to drop dead!
I can hear it now, "Mom, Grandma tried to kill us with soft eggs"!
If I am understanding your question... You are wondering why poached eggs don't replace hard boiled?

I think that would be because you can hard boil in bulk. If you try to do too many poachies at once they beat each other to bits.

That has been my experience anyway.
I confess - I've never eaten nor prepared a poached egg.  Can't get past the pasty look they have - just white, white, white with a dab of yellow surrounded by more white, white white.  No crispy little brown edges or tiny bits of golden butter from the frying and flipping on them anywhere.  (I like mine over medium)  Now I'm thinking maybe I should at least give one a try.  But if I hate it I'm coming back for all of you!  :lau

Lol x2!!

Ah Blooie, you're a gal after my own heart ha-ha ;)

They look GROSS.

That and a pain to cook...ugh boil water then drop an egg and HOPE HOPE HOPE it doesn't end up looking like a big slimy chicken poop...

Nope it looks like a big slimy chicken poop ROFL :p
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@shortgrass Silly girl, you don't boil the water and then add the egg - that will give you a really bad egg drop soup. You bring the water to a simmer - no big bubbles - and adjust the heat so it stays at a simmer.

I grew up with eggs over easy, fried in bacon grease. Loved the brown lace around the edges! I think it was extra special because that was just one of the few meals that my dad would make for us.

Is it just me or does the bacon from the store not produce the same "bacon grease" that it used to?
My goodness, I love a good poached egg for my eggs benedict. I could eat it every day for breakfast without a problem! Unfortunately my hubby is one of those who can't stomach the thought of a runny yolk let alone have one on his plate. He has to have his eggs scrambled well or fried hard every time. Oh well, I'll just have to enjoy a secret over easy egg with a side of toast for dipping for lunch while he's at work.
  Silly girl, you don't boil the water and then add the egg - that will give you a really bad egg drop soup.  You bring the water to a simmer - no big bubbles - and adjust the heat so it stays at a simmer. 

I grew up with eggs over easy, fried in bacon grease.  Loved the brown lace around the edges!  I think it was extra special because that was just one of the few meals that my dad would make for us. 

Is it just me or does the bacon from the store not produce the same "bacon grease" that it used to?

Hmmm, not sure as I haven't cooked store bought bacon in a looooong time. No home cured/smoked bacon right now and have a recipe I want to try so I'll find out soon. I'll try to let you know what I think,
my bacon grease sometimes doesn't solidify any more after I drain it off--it is thin and like vegetable oil.
  Silly girl, you don't boil the water and then add the egg - that will give you a really bad egg drop soup.  You bring the water to a simmer - no big bubbles - and adjust the heat so it stays at a simmer. 

I grew up with eggs over easy, fried in bacon grease.  Loved the brown lace around the edges!  I think it was extra special because that was just one of the few meals that my dad would make for us. 

Is it just me or does the bacon from the store not produce the same "bacon grease" that it used to?

ROFL well THAT might be my problem ;)

Oh but YOU are my new best friend lol...I keep my fat from fresh pork side for frying eggs in.....ohhhhhh myyyy... I really don't know how I manage to keep my figure ha-ha ;)

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