Why have my 7 month old hens not began to lay?

They always get fed. What I meant is that sometimes we improvise if the feed store is closed and will give them fruit, grass, grub worms, or dog food since there is only one place nearby to buy chicken food. They do NOT miss a day of food. Relating to the earlier post asking for pictures, here are the pictures:
They nest in the white thing that can be seen in the corner. When they were younger, they would all huddle together inside of it to sleep, but now they ignore it. Also earlier someone asked about food. They got grower when they were under 4 months and then after that, they got layer.
They nest in the white thing that can be seen in the corner. When they were younger, they would all huddle together inside of it to sleep, but now they ignore it. Also earlier someone asked about food. They got grower when they were under 4 months and then after that, they got layer.
Non laying birds can't have lay feed...
Also, they need roosts. Probably why they aren't laying, because those "nests" are their place to sleep as they see it.
Is that bag of food there what you are feeding? Is it treats? How much treats are you giving? I agree you arent feedin them right and that is most of your problem. Then the day offs when you run out.... all the stuff you feed them is treats NOT food. So yes maybe not goin hungry but also not feedin a growin bird. If it looks like we are gettin low on feed we go buy more... we dont wait til we are completely out of food! Feed your birds proper foods and dont forget to go get more and they will reward you. Otherwise you will never get their full potenyial out of them from eggs. You will just have junk food eatin birds. Got to an actual feed store not pet store!
Thank you sooo much for the advice. I will try to get them roosts and grower as soon as possible. This is a lot of help.
We get their food from an actual feed store. That stuff that was there is a treat for them and some of the wild birds around our neighborhood.
In the post you edited, you had stated you feed them layer food, sometimes dog food and sometimes not at all. You also said "they get fed pretty regularly". I'm hoping your edit of that post means you do understand that they need food every single day and preferable available free choice. There is 0 excuse for making the birds skip a day or eat dog food. You see you're running low-go buy more instead of waiting until you're completely out and then skipping a day if the store isn't open.

Give them roosts. Give them a safe, quiet place to lay, and when they're ready they'll reward all your hard work with fresh eggs.
Hi there! I understand your frustration. :) I'm in Southern California as well and I have 4 pullets that will be a year old come February. 3 Easter Eggers and 1 Wellie - all started laying over the summer. Once Thanksgiving hit all the chickens slowly stopped laying eggs - the EEs went first and then the Welsummer was the last to lay an egg - at the beginning of December. :( I have had to buy eggs twice now!
Lots of people on here said that pullets will lay through winter, but my girls went through a molt and are now "resting" and I think it's because of the cold weather and shorter daylight hours.
Maybe your girls don't want to lay in the winter either and are waiting for Spring to hit?
Definitely make sure they have a separated "nesting" area by providing poles for them to roost on. Adding in the golf balls will help them realize the nests are nests.
I bet come Spring, you'll have eggs galore!
Best of luck and keep us updated!

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