Why is citrus bad for chickens?

Wow! I didn't know it was UN-healthy for them. What I DID hear is that it affects the taste of eggs. The citrus is a bit pungent or some such?

but, what do I know?

I am curious to hear from others how it is unhealthy for them though...


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Earthnut, do you remember where you read that? This topic comes up once in awhile and I've never been able to track down who is saying that. Citrus has been fed to chickens and parrots for a long time, without problems. Like anything else, if you feed them nothing but that or huge amounts, I can see where it would be a problem, but as a part of a balanced diet, it's fine.
A neighbor feeds his chickens grape-fruit about once a week. He just cuts it in half and puts it on the ground and next thing you know, only the peel is left. I cut a watermelon up last summer and man did they have a ball ! And before someone says it, "I know watermelon is not citrus" (LOL)
My chickens love oranges! Hope it's not bad for them. I cut them in half and put it in a suet cage and hang it in the coop. Just looking for ways to give them treats during the winter. Eggs seem fine.
My bunch (14 hens, two roosters, primarily Americaunas, but two young "turken" hens and a black French hen of some sort) go absolutely nuts over navel oranges, so I give 'em a dozen, cut up, once or twice a month.

Haven't tried any other citrus fruits on 'em.
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My hens loved the orange sections that came with my take out chinese food.

I think the treat guide he on BYC states cirtus is bad? Unless it has changed? I still feed it.

My chickens have access to my compost pile, so they get anything they want that goes in there. I have even seen one sampling some coffee grounds once.
I read in a different post before that the Meyer Hatchery catalog states not to feed fruit to laying hens or they'll stop producing. I've never ordered from them, nor have I ever seen their catalog, but perhaps this is the source (or one of the sources) of misinformation.

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