Why is my Barnevelder pullet doing this at 12+ weeks old?


May 9, 2022
Oklahoma is OK!
So, I have a 12+ week old Barnevelder pullet who is constantly going inside the nesting box and just sitting. I know it's way too early, especially Barnevelders I am told are very late bloomers. She does this even running the risk of the 2 older hens running her off. She is 100% not being picked on, she is one of the "queen bees" of her age group of newbies I have. (besides the aforementioned older hens occasionally getting cranky and basically say "get away from me, this is my space" but they do that to all the newbies and there is no aggression, just cranky.

They have a big sized run so there is plenty of space. She is healthy acting, not sick. It is actually really hot here in Oklahoma, so it still doesn't make sense she would want to hang out in the nest box from time to time. Other times she is hanging with everyone in the "cuddle puddle" so again, she is friends with everyone.

Is she just curious? I've never had a young one to do this before.
When you say sitting I'm picturing standing or laying but is she actually sitting? Of all the breeds I've had/have, my Barnevelder is the most shy and you're right about last to start laying. I think it's to hide, get away and your definition of picked on might not be the same as hers. Mine (22weeks,) screams bloody murder when I even try to make her do the squat.
So, I have a 12+ week old Barnevelder pullet who is constantly going inside the nesting box and just sitting. I know it's way too early, especially Barnevelders I am told are very late bloomers. She does this even running the risk of the 2 older hens running her off. She is 100% not being picked on, she is one of the "queen bees" of her age group of newbies I have. (besides the aforementioned older hens occasionally getting cranky and basically say "get away from me, this is my space" but they do that to all the newbies and there is no aggression, just cranky.

They have a big sized run so there is plenty of space. She is healthy acting, not sick. It is actually really hot here in Oklahoma, so it still doesn't make sense she would want to hang out in the nest box from time to time. Other times she is hanging with everyone in the "cuddle puddle" so again, she is friends with everyone.

Is she just curious? I've never had a young one to do this before.
Is she broody? Like, puffing up her feathers and screeching? Or making an odd cluck?
When you say sitting I'm picturing standing or laying but is she actually sitting? Of all the breeds I've had/have, my Barnevelder is the most shy and you're right about last to start laying. I think it's to hide, get away and your definition of picked on might not be the same as hers. Mine (22weeks,) screams bloody murder when I even try to make her do the squat.
She is sitting, not standing. I guess you would say laying in there. She is not being picked on, I don't believe she is trying to hide. She gets up and goes to everyone when she comes out. She was the smallest of my two Barnies and the most feisty. Definitely not skittish or anything. Oh well, I guess time will tell. You pretty much confirmed that she is definitely not trying to lay an egg.
Is she broody? Like, puffing up her feathers and screeching? Or making an odd cluck?
No, definitely not acting broody. I suppose she is just chilling in there, probably to have her own space.
She is sitting, not standing. I guess you would say laying in there. She is not being picked on, I don't believe she is trying to hide. She gets up and goes to everyone when she comes out. She was the smallest of my two Barnies and the most feisty. Definitely not skittish or anything. Oh well, I guess time will tell. You pretty much confirmed that she is definitely not trying to lay an egg.

No, definitely not acting broody. I suppose she is just chilling in there, probably to have her own space.
Ok thanks. "sitting" is strange. How is her poo? Does it look bloody at all?
This is an old thread, but thought I would close it out by saying I still don't know why she hung out in the boxes. She didn't start laying until almost 30 weeks old. And she is nicknamed "Big Broody Judy" because she goes broody about twice a year lol. I finally bought her some hatching eggs to hatch out. We are on day nine and she is doing wonderful. Maybe she was broody in training? lol

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