Why is my gosling not fluffing? Assisted Hatch. Please Help.

Apr 19, 2022
221B Baker Street
To anyone who's been reading and answering my questions, thank you. You're probably tired of them. :)

So, as an intro, I had five goose eggs in the bator. A couple of days ago, the first one externally pipped and was very vocal. Today, all of the eggs hatched except that first one. For ease of communication, I'm going to call the unsuccesful hatch Pepa, her name. Yes, Encanto.

She grew less vocal and stopped struggling against the egg, and because it had already been two days, I was very worried. Took the other goslings out of the bator, transfered them to the brooder. Assisted Pepa in her hatch. Removed about half of her shell in three batches, and when she still couldn't push through the membrane, I removed that for her. Turns out, she was malpositioned with her feet over her head.

She's doing much better, is very alert and as active as a less than a day old gosling can be. She does have curled toes, which I plan to treat tomorrow, but my biggest concern is her down: She's perfectly dry, but she hasn't fluffed up like her half-siblings. If anyone can tell me what's wrong with her, I would greatly appreciate it.

In the picture below, she's closest to the waterer. She's fluffier, but not nearly as much as her siblings. The picture after that is a close up.

Please help. I'd greatly appreciate your thoughts, even if they're, "Oh, she's a lost cause." Won't stop me from trying, but I'll appreciate it all the same.
Take a soft bristle tooth brush. Damoen it and brush her. I have had assisted chicks in the past have the same thing. This workd perfectly to clean the dries gunk that did come off before hatch. And it will fluffy up. You may need to do it a few times to get it all removed. Just make sure she has a warm place to be to dry when you finish brushing her
Take a soft bristle tooth brush. Damoen it and brush her. I have had assisted chicks in the past have the same thing. This workd perfectly to clean the dries gunk that did come off before hatch. And it will fluffy up. You may need to do it a few times to get it all removed. Just make sure she has a warm place to be to dry when you finish brushing her
She doesn't seem gunky, but I will definitely try this technique. Thank you very much!
Congrats on the hatch! She may have stuff on her that has matted down her feathers. You can carefully run her under the sink in warm water (where water is barely coming out of the faucet). You can use a soft tooth brush to scrub her. Towel off and use a blow drier on warm/low setting so she doesn't get to cold.
Congrats on the hatch! She may have stuff on her that has matted down her feathers. You can carefully run her under the sink in warm water (where water is barely coming out of the faucet). You can use a soft tooth brush to scrub her. Towel off and use a blow drier on warm/low setting so she doesn't get to cold.
Thanks! I used the toothbrush method last night, and she's looking way better already.

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