Why is my Hen is attacking me!


10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
Eugene, Oregon
My RIR recently started confronting me and pecking me. She'll run up to me and fluff her feathers. When I come to a stop because she's run in front of me, she'll peck me. What is this all about. I'm about to lose it with her. She drew blood on my foot this morning.
I'm very close to just that. If I don't figure out how to fix it, my husband will.
my dh kicked our little "pecker" and it jumped on top of his foot and pecked the heck out of his leg.. i was laughing so hard and he was trying to shake her off but she clung tight. yes she is still with us hahaahahha: lol:
I encountered this VERY thing this morning. Well the rooster not the hen.

There are several that are just very friendly and follow me around the yard. Today I was filling feeders and not paying attention to the rooster at my heels. I'm not sure if he just tryied to jump up on my foot or if he pecked at me. I WAS SO SHOCKED>

I reminded him I'm the big dog around this coop and went on filling the feeder. then, he DID it again. I pushed him aside with my foot and kept on.

Frankly, I couldn't believe it. If I was a chicken I'd be scared of me.

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Someone here suggested I hold the rooster like a football, or hold him upside down by his legs until his little eyelids close, then put him down. The upside down trick seems to have worked. Not sure if you're supposed to do that w/ a hen?? But, I guess it would be better than eating her.
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I also read from a rooster guy that to kick the bird might cause added aggression because they will want to keep fighting to see who is the alpha, but pick them up and carry them around until they settle down and put them down only when they are calm and submissive--if she fusses while being put down then pick her up again. That is what he says works with an aggressive rooster, so maybe will work with an alpha hen. Mine all squat down waiting for a rooster to mate with them when I walk by. LOL
Yeah, the water thing often works too. Supposedly you can suffocate them by holding them upside down too long, but I have yet to read of someone actually killing a bird this way, and experienced roo handlers do the upside down thing all the time. Only time I've done it, I only did it for maybe 5 seconds.

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