Why is my hen not laying?


7 Years
May 7, 2012
Queensland, Australia
I bought three silkies back in June, two hens and a cockerel (which was pretty much only 2-5 months old at the time) from a pet store (stupidest idea ever, they cost $85.00 all up, $40 for each hen and $5 for the rooster). Anyway, two weeks after getting them, one of the hens started laying. It has since stopped laying because it went broody on an egg, but the other hen (which seems to be the dominant bird out of the three at the moment) still has not laid an egg since I got her.

The cockerel has since started jumping on the back of the broody mother, but I haven't seen him go on the other hen yet. I don't know what the go is. Will she start laying soon? Could it be that she assumed dominant role and stopped laying for this reason? Or is it possible that she is too old to lay?

Also, the broody mother only hatched 1 chick (a surrogate egg) and I'm fairly sure it walked through the wire of the run and one of our dogs found a snack :(
She is still clucking and sounding like a mother. When will she stop doing this and resume laying, when there is clearly no baby chicks for her to raise?

(In future, she is only going to raise them in controlled conditions)

thank you!
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I had a hen who started laying aged 8 months. But that is rare. I think the best thing to do for your broody is to give her a chick or 2 to raise. Or you can try breaking her, but I've never had success with that.

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