Why is my hens beak like this


5 Years
Aug 10, 2014
SW Washington
My 2 year old SLW has a beak that looks like its split
here is a side view (which took 20 minutes to take
why is it like this
It's called a cross beak. It's a fairly common deformity in chickens. They can be much worse than what you have. You may be ableto file it down or clip it if the chicken has a problem eating.
I clip it every time she needs it (which is now) and it doesn't affect her eating at all. Will it ever stop growing or will it stay the same forever.
Beaks are like finger nails, keep growing, IF they are programed to do so--all chickens beaks do not not require clipping. But if you have one that does (I have several that keep overgrowing at the tip), just trim it with dog toenail clippers--I do, every time I see it getting too long to look like the bird can eat easily. Careful not to clip too short, to make it bleed, just to match the lower beak--but if you do, it will heal and grow again! Good luck.

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