Why is my Mallards head not bright green?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 28, 2014
Alright I have a male mallard named Puddles. His head was entirely green, but it was never really bright like every other male mallard I've seen. It's now only a tinted green color. Is something wrong? Also, why is he so loud, I thought males were supposed to be quiet? He does have curled tail feathers and male feathers. He's a year and a half old by the way. I'll insert a couple images so you can see the most green his head has been. As I've said, it has since become more muted.
There are a few ducks out there who don't fit the mold perfectly - it's hormones. Such a cutie!

My girl Vier, when we introduced a drake, got a curly tail.
There's nothing wrong. The green feathers on a male's head will change with the seasons. Expect it to be vibrant green going into breeding season and then it can fade to almost completely white.
Do you have any other ducks or is Puddles your only one? He might be loud because he is lonely. And, drakes are only quiet compared to females...I'd argue they're not so muct "quieter" as just a little more hoarse sounding we've had some pretty vocal boys in the past.
Like Amiga said, hormones play a role in some of what you mentioned. Some males might not get the bright green head until their second or third year.
he might just need to go through another molt to get that lush green ,also wild mallard have more hormons and glans that will make that color, mainly because of there diet and wild mallard mature alot faster than those raised by humans.

For instance the female mallards that will come and pair with some of my boys, they keep their own eggs because i cant get to the eggs if theyre hidden. so those babies grow twice as fast as the ones I raise.

As for the loudness does he have a mate, he might be calling for one when he gets loud.

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