Why is my Pekin duck "sneezing"?

There aren't any vets in the area that will see her for less than a $45 office fee which will go up from there. I love my ducks but it's very hard to justify while trying to build a house etc. (as terrible as that sounds). I wish I could de worm her with the Ivomec for cattle/swine I already have lol. Would it be wrong of me to give her another 3-4 days on the heavier dose of tylan, look for improvements, then think about culling and re home the other duck? If she was acting sick it would be a simpler decision. I hate to see her not thriving but do not have a way to separate from the chickens (at night. The ducks are free range all day) and I sell the eggs from the chickens so I rather not have them get into any medications which would affect their eggs.
I know how you feel... for me it's over 2 hours to get there and back, which is $20 in gas, $45 for the office visit, then all the tests and medications, which really add up quickly.

You could try giving the Ivomec, but there are studies that show it's not effective unless *really* high doses are given.

Culling is always an option, but I'm the type that tries everything possible before culling. If Tylan and Ivomec are all you have and you don't have the resources to get other drugs, then try them, they aren't going to hurt anything.

Unless it's a seasonal allergy lol. I have no changed bedding, feed etc since I got them a year and a half ago. It certainly is a puzzle!

I'd make sure to give her a bird probiotic after she finishes up her Tylan all the flock can have it I put it in mines water after worming too. I can give it to my chickens in yogurt but my ducks will not touch yogurt
Kathy, just wanting to clarify this since you know a lot more about pharmaceuticals than I do...

Even with a lower dose of Tylan than what you recommend, wouldn't you expect to see some improvement rather than worsening if the duck were infected with an organism that's sensitive to Tylosin? I guess I'd just be hesitant to increase the dose of something that will treat only a fairly narrow spectrum of bacterial infections unless I had a pretty good reason to believe it was one of those types of bacteria. Would it be better for the OP to stop the Tylan and pursue the other things you've suggested, or to go ahead and do the Tylan at the higher dose for the next few days in combination with the other things?
I will give her a couple cc of the Ivomec tonight with the Tylan and start them all on probiotics and electrolytes. I also have that stuff (I can't for the life of me remember the name) that is camphor oil and is applied to the beaks and under the wings etc. I'll give her that tonight too.
Looking at the chart, it looks like the antibiotics in the tetracycline class are fairly broad spectrum. Are there any of these that I could give solely to her orally so I don't have to medicate the entire flock?
I will give her a couple cc of the Ivomec tonight with the Tylan and start them all on probiotics and electrolytes. I also have that stuff (I can't for the life of me remember the name) that is camphor oil and is applied to the beaks and under the wings etc. I'll give her that tonight too.

It's called VetRx. I've been doing that every night for days now on the one I have that's ill.
Looking at the chart, it looks like the antibiotics in the tetracycline class are fairly broad spectrum. Are there any of these that I could give solely to her orally so I don't have to medicate the entire flock?

The tetracyclines can be used to treat a much broader range of bacteria than Tylan, but my sick one is on a tetracycline and isn't getting better. That doesn't mean the same thing would happen to you, though.
Kathy, just wanting to clarify this since you know a lot more about pharmaceuticals than I do...

Even with a lower dose of Tylan than what you recommend, wouldn't you expect to see some improvement rather than worsening if the duck were infected with an organism that's sensitive to Tylosin? I guess I'd just be hesitant to increase the dose of something that will treat only a fairly narrow spectrum of bacterial infections unless I had a pretty good reason to believe it was one of those types of bacteria. Would it be better for the OP to stop the Tylan and pursue the other things you've suggested, or to go ahead and do the Tylan at the higher dose for the next few days in combination with the other things?
Good question, and I don't know... Tylan is meant to be given at least twice a day and the op is giving how much, 1ml once a day? There was a person in the peafowl forum that was treating her chick with a small amount of the Tylan once a day and she saw no improvement until she increased it to the 25 mg per pound twice a day, but her chick had many respiratory symptoms, so it was clearly the right thing to do.

I do know that I can get Noromycin 300LA, LA-200, and Terra-Vet 200 all of which are injectable Oxytetracycline for cattle with the Noromycin 300 having the most mg per ml. I can get probably 20cc of that for next to nothing from my farm vet friend.

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