Why not give a hen a better life?


8 Years
Feb 22, 2011
Hey there!
So I am guessing that there are many people who are members of BackYardChickens that care for hens as pets or for pets and for eggs. I know there is no way to stop massive egg production facilities. I also know that it is possible to adopt a hen that is stuck in a small cage to just lay eggs for her whole life. All I ask is that you at least consider the idea of adopting a hen, even just one, and save it from a horrible life in an egg farm if you have the ability to do this. Why not? They are sweet pets and will give many eggs.
I adopted this cutie from an egg farm and she is loving the ability to roam and be the free chicken that she was born to be.
Awww She is so beautiful and what a wonderful thing you did...I cannot see how people can be mean to ANY animal....it just is not right !

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