why Pine & not hardwood shavings?

Well thank you one & all- so all I've seen is that the problem w/hardwoods is that normally they come from a bandsaw which makes fine sawdust rather than a circular saw which makes more shaving-like material. I suppose I'm fortunate to have easy access to the shavings & the girls LOVE their dust baths in it. I've seen everyone post about 'pine' this & 'pine' that but apparently, if you all are correct (wink wink) that it's mainly due to access. case closed.
Muchas Gracias mi amigos!
Awesome! Glad I found this thread I was running out of pine shavings from the store. I have endless bags of hardwood shavings from using chainsaws and turning wooden bowls on my lathe! Sweet!
Most wood turners would be glad to give up their wood shavings. They are next to impossible to get rid of for many of the "city" turners. Myself, I have always used them on my garden paths but will now being using them in the chicken coop.

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