why wont any of my hens brood?!


7 Years
Apr 19, 2012
i have one hundred and fifty hens of 12 breeds, all with the potential to go broody, and some that it very common in, (buff orpingtons and cochins) and have not had a single hen go broody in two years. Some hens are young and just laying, others are old women by now. I have roosters running around, nest spots in three different unused out buildings, and nothing. not one broody hen.
What I do to get broody hens is I leave wooden eggs or even plastic easter eggs in the nest boxes. Five or so in each box. Then just be patient for awhile. I have four broody hens right now. Also make sure that there isn't too much light shining on you nest boxes. My broody hens are a Salmon Farvelle, Cookoo Maran, Blue Cochin Bantam, and a welsummer. I also had a silkie go broody recently.

i have one hundred and fifty hens of 12 breeds, all with the potential to go broody, and some that it very common in, (buff orpingtons and cochins) and have not had a single hen go broody in two years. Some hens are young and just laying, others are old women by now. I have roosters running around, nest spots in three different unused out buildings, and nothing. not one broody hen.

And the day will come when you post that 100 are broody and your egg production is almost zero

BTW, two years old is not old for pure breeds.

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