Why won't my chickens go outside????????

Well this weekend I had to evict them for coop cleaning, I never knew that chickens could whine.

I tossed them all out in the run and then shut the door so I could clean the coop out and within 5 seconds (seriously she's fast) the oldest hen in the bunch was on the top of the ramp leading into the coop.

But other than her everyone else was hanging out scratching around and eating. The next day, nobody came out. This moring before work, nothing. I must have done such a fantastic job on their coop that they all just want to be stay at home moms.
Chickens don't like WNY snow either!
My 5 hens don't care for the snow, Sunday was a snow all day and they didn't even come out of the coop at all! But got 5 eggs from them!
Here on Monday it is also a snow day and the hens are coop bound!.
They do like it when I "shovel" the grass to expose it. They haven't figured out ice patches yet on the driveway, lots of pecking but no "food"!
They do come up to the house via the blacktop sidewalk and hide under the picnic table where there is grass exposed!
It's gonna be a long winter for the "girls" I think.
Jim Brown
Lockport NY
Its going to be a long winter for these girls too. I think I might grow some grass in some old shallow pans and stick them outside just to get them some greens and entice them outdoors.
Now this is something I dont understand. My girls (3) want to be out free ranging all the time. Even if it is pouring down rain. I cant keep them out of it. Is this normal?
Every morning when I open the chicken door, my hens all charge out full speed. Sometimes two at a time will try coming through the door, and they get stuck..
This of course frustrates the ones behind still trying to get out..I can almost hear them cussing..

The reason I am sure, is because I have a ritual of putting out some breakfast treats in a bowl in their run. Usually some left over rice and/or veggies from dinner the night before. Even some hen scratch will do. Snow doesn't deter them one bit, as they are such greedy girls..

I don't keep food & water in my coop so when I open the door in am they are READY. I also give them their treats in am, usually oatmeal or grits on a cold am. If nothing else they get a couple of hands of BOSS thrown around the forager pen.
Rye grows very well in the cold weather; you might try that. Anything they don't eat or scratch up completely (yeah, right! Like that's likely....
) can be added to your garden area or flower beds and turned under for added nutrients there too.
Rye, huh. Never would of thought of that, i was just going to use some old grass seed left over from my yardwork this summer.

I will have to try the rye.

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