Why would a rooster crow in the middle of the night?


9 Years
Jun 5, 2010
Beaver County, PA
At 1:15 last night, I heard the rooster crowing. It was just as dark as usual and there was nothing lurking about that I could see. Does anyone know why a rooster would do this?
Your rooster is advertising his qualities to hens and rival roosters. He does this at risk of attracting attention of potential predators. If rooster was aware of potential threat, he would likely stop crowing.
During the day hours, if he feels a threat, he goes ballistic...carrying on until the threat is long past. He only crowed twice and it was pitch dark and the coop is very secure.

rooster nightmare?!
Just a hypothesis. I suppose it could be proven or disproven, in a lab setting.....Crowing is synonimous with a rise or release of testosterone...During the day, shortly after crowing, someone's getting shagged. Just my observation.
My Rudy Roo does it too. Lets out 1 or 2 good crows around midnight or so then goes back to sleep untill 6am. Then he won`t shut up, along with Big Guy, Spike and PeeWee untill I bring them breakfast! LOL At least the other 3 dolts I have don`t crow during the night too.
Mine is only about 15 weeks, so I am hoping he might settle down once the hens start laying. But. I notice he starts when the dogs bark or the motion sensor light goes on, possibly also when he hears me or my wife in the yard. I am not around every time he crows, so I can't say if there are some crows for no visible reason.
My roo crows whenever he feels like it. Actually I have yet to hear him early in the morning.
In the afternoon he starts crowing, which gets my neighbour's roo crowing. They go back and forth for a bit. Too funny.

And our roo has started to crow after I lock them up for the night. I can hear him when I walk down the path.

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