

In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 17, 2008
Why is it that I take good care of my chickens and something always happens to them! People who just let theirs go and fend for theirselves are fine and never have any problems. I dont understand! I just lost my Electra baby so I am pouting. Sorry.
Sorry you lost your baby. Sometimes letting them free to build immunities and resistance to stuff is a better approach. The strong survive and are more vigorous.
We are so sorry for your loss. It is never easy to loose one of the babies. We just had to put one down ourselves. I agree though, that it seems that the free-er they are, the less problems. Our chickdren that run around in the large outdoor pen (basically free range) are always much healthier than the ones we have penned for breeding stock.
So sorry for your loss
It is never easy! I lost 3 babies to drowning in a horse tank.
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I have never lost a chicken to predators but I did lose one the other day to suffocation when all the chicks piled into the feeder to keep warm.

So sorry for your loss- it's frustrating.
Thank you all. I am trying to quit crying but I cant. Please say a prayer for her.
I know the feeling of loss all to well when the most friendliest of my chickens was snatched by a coyote. I was angry, sad and felt defeated for several days; then I refocused on the others and moved forward.
My hens are free range during day light hours and some of my hens are over 12 years of age, with very low diease rate.
Well also say a prayer for you and your little one.

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