

9 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Why, when I post what I'm doing, do people take that to mean that I want them to tell me what I'm doing wrong? Why can't we just share without the implication that a different way I do it is automatically wrong and needs correction? Shouldn't people offer opinions only when asked for? Isn't that part of good manners?

There are very few experts on anything in the world- the rest of us are just trying and striving and aren't automatically wrong for going a different way. I just don't understand giving oneself the authority of correction of mistakes over another. If I don't ask you for help, I'm not looking for it...

Rant over...
Well, you won't find that with me. I may see "mistakes" but normally, I will keep it to myself unless the OP is asking for advice on it or something in the same ballpark. I can really sympathize with you on this..
It's not just on here. Facebook groups, Yahoo groups- it seems everyone wants to show their own expertise by telling someone how to do something. I don't get that mentality. And it's usually someone who has been doing things about two seconds longer than you have. I need to learn by doing and don't mind mistakes- especially mistakes that can still be used a different way- like being a part of a laying flock.

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