wierd chick poop....can kids get sick from sick chicks?(pics and long)


11 Years
Apr 4, 2008
I posted a picture of what looked like a worm in the waterer yesterday..these are some pics of the poops that my 3 day old chicks have been having. I got 7 of them from a reputable hatchery that sells to many of the feed stores around here. One of the poops I have seen recently had a little pinkish red in it. I wash everything in hot water 3 times a day and give them fresh food and water. They are on 22% medicated chick starter. They are in a sanitized rubbermaid type tub with the cover over half of it and a 100 watt bulb on them. I am working on finding a thermometer to check the temp in there. Could this be caused just from being chilled?
Other than the poop.... they seem to be acting fine...a few of them have "pasty butt" or their feathers are stuck together around their butt. One has it really bad. I called the hatchery and they told me that there is no way that they could be worms coming from a 3 day old chick...hoping some of you that have had chickens for a long time can help me.....thanks very much.. Also, can kids get sick from chickens if chickens are sick or have worms??

You can't tell so much by the picture, but the poops look almost like a pile of little worms or like little round pieces of little worms


Here is the one that looked a little pink/red....

I dont know about the worms, but the poops look normal to me. Especially if the chicks are eating, drinking and acting normal. I read on this site that you shouldn't worm chick till they are 6 weeks old.
any other opinions. They seem to still be doing fine, not weak or anything. Still think I see pinkish color in some poops...one chick has a bare butt from feathers sticking together with her poop. Should I seperate her from the others incase she has something, i am assuming she is the one pooping wierd...somewhat runny and slightly pink.....i think anyway
some diarrhea is normal in young chicks. Are all the droppings like that, or just some?

I highly doubt your chicks have worms. The poo doesn't look like worms to me.

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