Wife has BYC account and won't

I do care just started reading all of the post this morning they are great and no I don't know her user name yet but its great to know that all of you are not my wife lol
I'm not either! One more you can cross off the list.
Ok sorry I have been away from BYC. I didn't know this would interest so many of you and get so many replies....to answer a few concerns.

Yes we are still together.
I would love it if she were biding on chicken stuff
She didn't post her location. I have looked at all of Colorado and California where she is from.
She is just being her silly self and likes this game and says she wont post until I figure it out.

Thanks for all of you who are not my wife lol. I have marked a lot of you off the list just on your avatars alone.....

P.S. My wife says I would know who she was if I saw her username, however she did not put her location on her account.
Forgot to say we have our own computers and I don't know her email password or any of her passwords she does have a book that she writes them down in but I am not a snoop. Besides its more fun trying to figure it out this way.
You'll just have to spend an hour or so going through the list of usernames to see if anything catches your eye...
I wouldn't want my DH reading my posts....then I'd have to stop griping about him.

aw, JK....I really don't want him knowing what I have in the works. Long ago I was told

"It's better to ask forgiveness than permission"....I now live by this!!

airmechreed, I bet she's posted on one of your threads just to mess with you. I'd start there!

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