Wiggle detector


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 26, 2013
I found this Youtube vid of someone testing a kiwi egg for wiggling.

I've been using this method for a week or two. It's very sensitive! Our house is on a road with heavy traffic and the pencil will move when a big truck goes by. I also got a strong reading when my husband was sitting at the table and belched.

Today I got my first wiggle that was not a truck or a belching husband!!!

Me to egg: Do it again! One more time just so I can be sure!
Egg: Nah, I'm done.
make an "egg antenna" from wire and a little bit of clay!
I've heard that term but wasn't sure what kind of wire and where to attach it!

Here's what I got from a Google search

no idea what this is

an "egg antenna insulator"

Quote: Is it OK to do a wiggle-check every day? It does take a couple of minutes. Day 42, I don't want to chill the little guy too often.

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