

11 Years
May 9, 2012
I have my eggs on lock down. I keep looking for wigglers, at least that is what I call the eggs that move. What do you call them? I tried to candle a few, but being Black Copper Marans, it's hard to tell so I took the advice from here and will just have to wait and see. If nothing hatches by Thursday, I'll know. Come on eggies, let's wiggle.
Whoot! just saw two of my BCM's wiggle. I'm happy, happy tonight
My eggs are on day 20 and have been wiggling like crazy today! Came home to find one has pipped! So excited as this is my first time making it this far with incubating. Good luck to you!
I'm a little sad and concerned. My babies aren't wiggling as much anymore. I have no idea why unless it was the spike in temperature Sunday afternoon late. I came back in the house to find it at 101.8. (I have the Spot Check incubator thermometer) Thursday evening is day 24 and I've lost all hope any will hatch. I've seen one wiggle this morning. That's all.
I'm new to this and got some 1 & 2 day fertile eggs from a friend since I can't have a rooster to help my broody hen snap out if it. Two broody periods 3 weeks apart. The first lasted over a month. So what I'd like to know is, what is a PIP? And what does pipped mean? I'm just starting to read up on how much interference I should do when letting my hen hatch these 10 eggs. I'm wondering if I should candle these in a few days and see if I see anything. Kinda get a baseline, maybe?
Kathy, how did things go? Did anyone hatch yet?
I have 2 Blue Marans that hatched and 5 Black Copper Marans plus 2 Buff Orpington/Brown Leghorn crosses that hatched. One baby was zipping when I went to bed but the incubator (little giant) cooked the poor little thing. It lived for about 15 minutes after I pulled the egg off but at 107 degrees I didn't think it had a chance and I don't know when the incubator went beserk. I threw it in the garbage. I'll be on the phone with Brinsea next week to see about the humidifier that didn't work. The ironic thing is I have a Rock Cornish Game that just started setting eggs in the past two days. Now I'm looking for some Lavender Orpington eggs. I don't know, Guess I'll have to start selling eggs lol.

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