Wild turkey eggs


12 Years
Feb 4, 2007
Bloomingdale, MI
While cutting our hayfield today, a wild turkey nest was destroyed and the hen is gone. By that I mean, she took off. My brother gathered the eggs and that were not ruined by the mower (about 9) and I put them with my broody hens. I don't know if they will stay on them as most of their chicks have hatched. But I made a separate nest for the bantams , hoping one of them would move over to it. But they did not.

Sydney however, went crazy till I put some under her. And then Buffy, who just hatched out her chick 4 weeks ago took on 4 of the eggs. She seems very happy, and her chick is sitting in there with her. Like I said. I don't know what will happen, but I am going to do some research to see if there is somewhere nearby that will take them after they hatch. I don't know if it is legal or not as they are wild. But They were already here, and the nest is destroyed. I have to at least give them some kind of chance since it is all our fault. I am so sad about all of this. Gone to do research. But if you know anything. let me know.
Its illegal but I don't think you'll get into trouble or anything. I hatched out 4 wild eggs that were run over by the hay mower too! I raised them in a brooder and only two survived. Wild turkeys are about the hardest thing to raise. Your hens will do a much better job. The poults ill be living in a more natural environment with them and will be taught to be wild. They will be a lot healthier too! If you alllow your broodies to free range after they hatch the poults out they will be very prepared for their life in the wild. The two that ended up surviving were allowed to free range and eventually wandered off with a wild flock.
I have checked the Michigan DNR website and did not find anything about wild turkey eggs. I did find out that all migratory birds are protected. But last year when we mowed, the mama duck flew up way before we got there and we were able to stop in time to go around the nest. Sadly, I think raccoons got the nest though.

Thanks Picco, I thought they were all goners. I have a little hope now. Its all up to Sydney now.
Denise I just got here and was suprised to see you found some turkey eggs! This will be interesting to see what happens. Did anymore of your chicken eggs hatch. I would have to say it is raining birds at your house! How long long does it take to hatch out turkey eggs? I wouldn't think turkeys would be setting on eggs this late in the season. Your coop has definitely become a maternity ward now lol.
Hey there Mary, I went to the DNR website, and it said the turkeys ususally hatch their eggs sometime in June. I don't have any idea, but Sydney is still sitting on them. I am thinking about putting her in a bigger pen somewhere. That will have to wait till tomorrow. Sydney has 4 barred rock chicks and is still sitting on the Amish mystery chicks, and the 9 turkey eggs. The bantams have 3 chicks, and they are all still sitting on the nest.

Lucky is back with the rest of her old flock and is doing very well, she did loose some feathers, but all in all is doing very well. She got on her alpha hen roost all by herself, and no one dares to challenge her. Buffy now sleeps next to her with baby chick underneath her.

So everyone is fine, and with any luck those turkey eggs will hatch and get to go live in the woods with the other turkeys around here.

Talk to you later.
Sydney abandoned the turkey eggs yesterday. So, no turkeys here.

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