WildFlock (RolePlay)

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11 Years
Jul 22, 2008
This is a chicken Role Play. The names are in the same style as the Warriors (by Erin Hunter) names. So they are double-parted like Goldfeather. (Gold is the first part and feather is the second.) The second part of the names change, so chicks are called (first part here)chick (for example, Goldchick). When they are 3 months old, they become apprentices. The second part of their names then changes to wing (example,Goldwing). An older chicken trains him/her. When the apprentices are adults, the leader changes the second part to whatever it is going to be for the rest of the chicken's life. (The top rooster is the leader and the top hen is the deputy.)The second part of the leader's names are changed to star (example, Goldstar).

The chickens are wild. They sleep in trees that have low branches and sometimes all attack a predator to drive it away, but most of the time they just run away or go up in a tree.

Here is the character list:

Top Rooster:
Name: Buffstar
Gender: Rooster
Age: 3 yrs.
Rank: Top Rooster
Breed: BO (Buff Orphington)
Personality: Buffstar is kind, friendly, brave, and loyal. Sometimes he's overprotective of his flock. He is a big BO and likes chasing small predators away from his flock.
History: Buffstar was not always in the flock. He used to just live by himself. When he first joined, the other chickens were suspicious and distrusting of him, but his loyalty and bravery soon made them respect him. When their former leader died, he became the new leader. (Salve&Fluffer)

Top Hen:
Name: Dawnspeckle
Gender: Hen
Rank: top hen
Breed: Speckled Sussex
Personality: wise, kind
Other: she goes broody every spring (chickeypeep101)

Other roosters and hens:
Name: Blossomfeather
Gender: hen
Rank: warrior
Breed: RIR
Personality: bold, doesn't like being wrong, adventurous
other: none (lex381)

Name: SunSplash
Gender: Female (hen)
Breed (or description if it's a mix): (Salmon) Faverolle
Age: 18 months (1yr and y6 months)
Rank: Other hens and roosters
Personality: Kind, doesn't like being the centre of attention.
Other: Likes eating flowers, likes desgining nests and then often goes broody. (ChOOkens)

Name: Scarpelt
Gender: Male
Breed: A Blue Wheaten Ameraucana
Age: 1 year old
Rank: 2nd dominate rooster of the clan
Personality: A sweet loving roo who protects his flock if needed and will put others before himself.
History: Was the first to hatch from his cluch but weeks later he was bitten by a Puff Adder but survived after being taken care of.
Other: None (M To The Maxx)

Name: Bramblepeck
Gender: male
Breed: Americana (EE) Jet Black with one large white feather on the left side of his tail
Age: 1 year
Personality: Brave, nice to some, knows a lot.
Bug eater (matthewschickens)

Name: Liontail
Gender: Male
Breed: Red star
Age: (0-6 months for chicks; 6-12 months for apprentices;1 yr. and up for adult chickens): 12 months
Rank: Adult
Personality: Optional: friendly, brave
History: Optional: Still too young to tell
Other: Optional (noahsgeese)

Moonwing: White Laced Black Sebright. (Miss Sebright) Mentor- Blossomfeather

Name: Whitewing [will be Whitestorm]
Gender: Male
Breed (or description if it's a mix): California White!!!
Age: (0-6 months for chicks; 6-12 months for apprentices;1 yr. and up for adult chickens) 11 months
Rank: older apprentice
Personality: Optional: friendly, brave, Loves to learn,
History: Optional: Still too young to tell
Other: Optional (matthewschickens) Mentor-Bramblepeck

Name: Foxbeak
Gender: Female
Breed: Golden phoenix
Rank: mother hen
Personality: Bossy, pussy, demanding and only nice to her chicks and chickens she likes (chickeypeep101)

Breed: Easter Egger
Age: 4 months
Personality:Daring, Fun, Enjoyable
History: was the last egg to hatch and almost taken by hawk
Other: Bantam [His mother is Foxbeak.] (michaelmay26)

Name: HoneyChick
Gender: Female
Breed: New Hampshire Red
Age: Week old
Rank: Chick
Personality: Kindhearted and sweet
History: Not much because she's so young.
Other: She is very intelligent, she does not have much brawn but her brains make
up for it. She enjoys mealworms and talking with adult chickens, she
is a daughter of FoxBeak.

Here is the form to fill out if you want to make a chicken:

Breed (or description if it's a mix):
Age: (0-6 months for chicks; 6-12 months for apprentices;1 yr. and up for adult chickens)
Personality: Optional
History: Optional
Other: Optional

Rules: 1:You can make as many characters as you can play for. 2: No power playing (that's when you control what someone else's character thinks, feels, says, or does, or what that character does NOT think, feel, say, or does). 3: No Mary-Sues (a perfect character with no flaws). 4: Be realistic. 5: Have fun!
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Name: SunSplash
Gender: Female (hen)
Breed (or description if it's a mix): (Salmon) Faverolle
Age: 18 months (1yr and 6 months)
Rank:(Other hens and roosters)
Personality: Kind, doesn't like being the centre of attention.
History: (Optional)
Other: Likes eating flowers, likes desgining nests and then often goes broody.
(The suffix Splash is not named after her colour)

Please tell me if I have filled out anything wrong, thanks.
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I'll Play!!!!! EE Chick PLease!!! Gold Chick!!! i need some chicky friends!!!
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Salve&Fluffer :

I didn't decide if there will be apprentices. What do you guys think?

I think that there should be some. What should the second part of their name be? How about wing?​
I added the 2 characters to the list. Someone needs to make a mentor for the apprentice and parents for the chick.
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