Will an 8x10 dog kennel be okay to house 4 ducks in?

The duck father_

Jan 11, 2022
I am having to separate my girls since they are being hurt. My other fence is broken and if I let them free range they will be eaten. Will an 8x10 all day coop be okay until I can get rid of some boys? I'm thinking it'll be a few months before I can. I will be giving them fresh hay, grass and water everyday and putting them in another coop at night
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If your going to keep them inside chain link you need to cover it with some type of small fencing like hardware cloth so you don't have anything get through the chain link. I don't know where your located but most of us in the US have weasels and minks and both can get through 1" opening and many predators will climb to get into the enclosure unless the top is covered. It's alot of work to keep our ducks safe but so worth it not to have to worry about their safety.
If your going to keep them inside chain link you need to cover it with some type of small fencing like hardware cloth so you don't have anything get through the chain link. I don't know where your located but most of us in the US have weasels and minks and both can get through 1" opening and many predators will climb to get into the enclosure unless the top is covered. It's alot of work to keep our ducks safe but so worth it not to have to worry about their safety.
The top and sides are covered with wood. They will have a smaller nighttime crate to go in, in my RV when I'm gone and when it's nighttime. I also have three livestock guardian dogs that patrol 24/hr. I will be adding hardware cloth on the bottom.
I live in Texas so it's pretty hot but I've got a dog house and it is shaded with a wooden top
Nice! I use a sliding door to lock mine in at night so they are safe. We have diamondbacks, bobcats, coyotes and alligators, with everything in between, that love to eat birds so we lock them in at night and use the less secure run during the day. Our pekin pair goes inside the main coop. This is our small integration coop for chicks inside of our run. We lock the babies in the top at night and this helps them mingle while separated because our male pekin is a jerk.

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