Will ducks come back??


11 Years
Nov 28, 2008
north haven, ct
We have a cottage in the Berkshires on a lake. If I let the ducks out to swim, will they stick around? Can I coax them in with treats? Can they outswim a dog? These are runners. What about boats - are they fast in the water? I mean, no one's going to aim for them or anything (I hope), but can they swim fast? I really want them to be with us - should hatch in about two weeks.
Wild ducks have the option of flying away when something on water scares them. Runners more than likely will not be able to outswim anything. Not all ducks dive in the water to swim faster either.

Some people have had luck getting their ducks to come back to them from a pond, but if it were me, I would not chance it. If they really like it out there, the chances of them coming back lessen. Maybe with lots of feed and treats, but it's still not a definite yes.
No matter what, ducks will always go back to where there's guaranteed food and water.
Ducks will outswim dogs too.
Hatch in two weeks? I think that means you want to take ducklings on vacation with you? chances are good that ducks that grew up with you would come back to you, ducklings not likely! Ducks can outswim a dog, ducklings who knows? not a good idea IMO.
My ducks always come back home from the lake. But they were raised here and know where dinner is. Also, I don't feed them during the day so they know if they want the good food, they have to come up in the evening for dinner and go in their safe pen.

Ours is a small lake, no boats except an occasional paddle boat, but ducks are pretty cautious anyway and are unlikely to get in the path of a boat, I would think.

Still, I would not expect them to know what to do if it's a vacation home and they haven't grown up there. If you're taking them on vacation, I recommend you take a portable pen of some sort or build them something at the vacation home to contain them. After a week or so, you could probably let them out and expect them to come back, but it takes them time to recognize their new home. Also, ducks are very territorial (as in, attached to their territory--not aggressive though), nervous creatures and they would probably prefer to stay home from vacation anyway.

Oh, and you probably already know this, but just in case--baby ducks shouldn't be swimming without supervision anyway, as they can get chilled, or not be able to get out, or drown. They don't have the waterproof coat yet, so they're much more vulnerable than an adult. Mother duck would make sure they came out of the water when they needed to, so you must take the place of mother duck when they hatch.

Enjoy your babies!
I was really talking about taking them in swimming in Sept or Oct when most people have left, but want them with us in a safe coop for weekends so that they can get used to the area. My main concern was that they would hightail it somewhere and not come back. We have big birds (hawks and Osprey) there, so when are they big enough not to worry about them? There are lots of other ducks and geese on the lake and they don't seem to be bothered by the bigger birds.
My ducks stayed with us for a day or two after letting be in the pond. Later they started going further in the pond, we at first were proud of them exploring. Soon later they weren't back in our but all the on the other side of the pond. It doesn't seem to bad but ducks allow new ducks in their group. The three other ducks already living in the pond technically became their parents. We still try to lure them over here to this day months later. They started laying eggs and I'm trying to incubate one now. But that was the only one so far, the other eggs are in different yards and I hate it. Other people are taking our ducks eggs. I would love to start over and raise the ducks near the pond so they know to come back.
if you just want to treat them ide take 1 or 2 at a time. They eventualy would come looking for their friends

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