Will hawks still attack if run has most but not all covered?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 28, 2008
I have my run covered with deer netting except for right up against the hen house itself due to needing room for the people door to swing open. So there are some square feet not covered by deer netting. Am I naive to think this will still deter hawks?
I have all but a 4x7 area not covered and if a hawk was hungry, oh yeah they can, but , also, they are not dumb and realize they may be able to get trapped under it. If you have a small area left uncovered, place ribbons (like the kind that move in the wind that gardeners use) or ropes to make the area smaller and less wing space. You must keep in mind that any area left open is a invite to a chicken dinner. Buggers those mean old preditors are!

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