Will hens adopt?

This spring, I gave 2 broody OEGs some chicks(slipped under them at night) and they were excellent mothers. Only a few weeks ago they went broody again, so I gave them 4 more chicks last night. As soon as they heard the little chicks peeping, they started clucking to them and were happy to tuck them under their wings. BTW, the other chickens never gave the babies any grief. Give it a go, I think you'll never incubate again!
I placed 5 chicks in front of my Dark Brahma hen when she had hatched 4 chicks and she just raised herself up to accommodate the others...instant adoption.
I've had only successes with slipping them under the broody at night. I tried once during the day and it failed, though she did not harm them, I just found them across the coop huddled together when I went back after an hour or so. I brooded them in a pen near the nest boxes. Another hen went broody and, around 3 weeks later, started pacing and clucking as if they were her chicks and were being kept from her. I opened the pen to let them together, afraid she would attack, but she instantly gathered them under her, and mothered them for another month or so. This was so odd to see as they were already a month old and about ready to be on their own. Evidently their gathering under her at night was enough to keep her mama instincts going.

I've had about 6 broodies raise chicks in with the flock now.
Thank you all so much for your stories. I am totally going to try it. Now if I can only find a few others who would like to go in on the order...
If any of you live near Traverse City, Michigan and would like to add a few more chicks to your flock let me know.
I only want to add 4 more and but the minimum order is 25.

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