Will hens drink from rabbit waters?


12 Years
Jun 19, 2007
N.E. Oklahoma
I figured most of ya'll have read my post about my hens setting on eggs in the nest and I was wanting to put their waters closer to them. So my question is, do you think if I puta small rabbit waterer that has the little ball dripper thing (not sure what's called) they would drink from it? I could fix it where it would be right next to them.

We give them those waterers when they're in those 4-H cages for show. They do drink from it so I guess you can. But make it about 2 inches from the grownd because they understand what it is better.

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just wondering how do chickens drink from those bottles dousnt their beak stop them. i have hen and 2 chicks in small run would they learn to drink from one it would save space
I myself dont trust the things, I used them with my bunnies and they kept getting an air-block in the spout part, probably my fault but I did do what the instructions told me,
\\I purchased expensive ones too but to no avail!!!

what about the empty lemonade bottle dispensers, just a little saucer which you screw an upturned bottle onto!!
I trust it is summer there so be careful and keep an eye on the water, they will need it!
We use rabbit waterers for our 7 girls. Have 2 up now and adding a third. Has worked really well, they drank their first sip from old hamster bottles (cleaned & sanitized of course). They graduated to rabbit bottles later. We busted the springs on the spring-loaded ball spouts. The chickens push the ball with their beak and it drains right down their throats. We've moved them up as they've grown, and set different heights for Silkies vs Buffs, but everyone drinks from whichever they feel like. Works for us, saves space, easy to clean.
i will be giving the rabbit waterer a try i will leave the other water their to begin with, i will watch if they go for it. great tip

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