Will Hens hatch different colored eggs?


Aug 25, 2017
Right now we have all brown egg layers, and with one gone seriously broody, and with the want for a color variety, that leaves me wondering. Say I were to get blue, green, or white eggs, would my hen avoid them as she hasn't seen anything other than brown eggs? Personally I think she'll be fine, but I just want to be sure.
Right now we have all brown egg layers, and with one gone seriously broody, and with the want for a color variety, that leaves me wondering. Say I were to get blue, green, or white eggs, would my hen avoid them as she hasn't seen anything other than brown eggs? Personally I think she'll be fine, but I just want to be sure.
She'll be fine. Some broodies try to hatch golf balls.
Mine is sitting on two white eggs, one dark brown and one blue. She lays light brown eggs. She doesn't care.
I've never had any trouble with it. Many people use different species of broodies to hatch other species.

Hens hatching ducklings.
Turkeys hatching chickens.
Chickens hatching turkeys.


Out flock is mixed and we get many egg colors. We never seem to have trouble with any bird being prejudiced against a different color egg.

Perhaps other people have but not us.

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