Will it work?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 9, 2013
Central Michigan
The coop we are building has a 4 x 4 floor and has walls 3ft high (roof makes it a bit taller).

I'm wonderin if I can add a shelf about 14" up to be able to have 1-2 more chickens. I'll probably put roosts up there?

As you can see the nesting box is attached to the side, so that frees up space too.

How many chickens do you think I can have comfortably with this? What about Jersey Giant size, how many?

I'm looking for full grown chickens, on person had Jersey Giants and I realize they will probably need more space.

Thanks! I'm a newbie to this and will have many more questions. :)

If this is for sleeping only, you can have 10 chickens in there. Once your chickens are bonded as a flock, they will enjoy snuggling together when it's cold. Coops that are for sleeping only, you don't need much space per hen. It does look like your coop will need some vents added, though. Air circulation is important.
If this is for sleeping only, you can have 10 chickens in there. Once your chickens are bonded as a flock, they will enjoy snuggling together when it's cold. Coops that are for sleeping only, you don't need much space per hen. It does look like your coop will need some vents added, though. Air circulation is important.

I had a question about vents too. I live in central Michigan and it gets quite Windy here. Are the chickens going to be warm enough in the winter or do I cover the vents when it's cold?

Also, how big should the vents be?
Vents are even more important in the winter to prevent condensation from accumulating in the winter. I have them up high in the coop so wind is not blowing directly on the hens. However, I am in the Pacific Northwest, and our winters are pretty mild. Hopefully someone from the cold places can weigh in on vents.
If this is for sleeping only, you can have 10 chickens in there. Once your chickens are bonded as a flock, they will enjoy snuggling together when it's cold. Coops that are for sleeping only, you don't need much space per hen. It does look like your coop will need some vents added, though. Air circulation is important.
10 chickens in a 4X4' space? They are birds, not sardines. You pack, and that is what you would be doing, 10 chickens in there, that would be a disaster in the making. I would not put more than 4 in there. You have severe winter weather, and the birds have to stay in there for days, they will tear each other up. Not to mention the insufficient ventilation for 10 birds in the coop, is another recipe for sick, and/or dead birds.
You could easily have 12 to 15 birds in there if you have a good big run for them. For vents I would drill 4 to 5 holes in a straight line on both sides and then if it gets cold you could cover all but one on each side.
I wouldn't go more than 4-5 if you want healthy chickens. Packing them in will cause feather picking, fights, and it will stink.

I don't think a shelf will help that close to the ground. They prefer to roost so it would more than likely make the space under the shelf useless.
My chickens spend almost no time at all in their coop. They go in at sundown, they come out at sunrise. The height of the coop and plenty of perches makes up for the 4x4 size. They sleep together or separate according to their preferences. Some are loners and roost alone on high perches. Some are close and bunk together in a nesting box. I do not consider this cruel. They're asleep. Protracted confinement would be a completely different thing, and they would need much more space. They have an automatic chicken door, so no one has to wait around for me to get up and open to coop. They go out to free range. Never had any problem with fights or disease.
You could easily have 12 to 15 birds in there if you have a good big run for them. For vents I would drill 4 to 5 holes in a straight line on both sides and then if it gets cold you could cover all but one on each side.
Now you are just being funny. Drill 4-5 holes, when it gets cold, block off all but one. HaaaaaaaaaaHaa, that's a good one, why not block all the holes?
Now you are just being funny.  Drill 4-5 holes, when it gets cold, block off all but one.  HaaaaaaaaaaHaa, that's a good one, why not block all the holes?

Why am I "just being funny" that is how I and everyone I know that keeps poultry makes vents and if you re d the answer right you block off all but two holes to keep wind out but you still have to keep some air circulating. I have 12 hens living happily in a 4 x 4 hen house. Personally I think the 2 square feet per bird rule is madness.

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