will keeping chicks in a brooder at 99degrees 4 all 8 weeks kill them?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 31, 2007
will keeping chicks in a brooder at 99 degrees 4 all 8 weeks kill them?

i wasnt sure if 99 degrees is to hot 4 the whole 8 weeks

thanks everyone
What I do is move the lamp slowly farther away (up). That makes the brooder cooler.
thanks! I think it will change it by like 5 degrees a wek is that to much?
Don't forget to notice the arrangement of the chicks in the brooder. You can tell they are too hot if they are lined along the brooder walls. They will also pant.
I have the light on a wire coat hanger and I just shorten it each week. At week three I am usually able to switch from100 watts to 75. Chickens are amazingly able to keep warm when there are several in the brooder. As was mentioned, if they are huddled in a tight wad under the lamp they are cold. If they are spread out on the side of the brooder they are to hot. The rule of thumb is to lower the temp 5 degrees per week untill they are fully feathered.
i got a light dimmer at a hardware store so it was just a switch that i had tho moove to change the temp. good luck with your chicks

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