Will Miconazole/Monistat cream help my chicken’s sour crop? Or will it kill him?


Oct 13, 2019
My rooster recently got sour crop (I highly believe). People are recommending Miconazole or Monistat cream (vaginal cream for yeast infections). My mom has it, but she thinks it could actually kill him instead of helping his sour crop. The tube we have says to not ingest orally or use on the eyes. Is it really going to help him? If you are absolutely sure that it is non toxic and he will be ok, how much should I use liquid measurement wise?

Im very on the fence on using that stuff or any kind of man-made medication on a chicken, especially one with special needs help most of the time. I would prefer natural remedies or chicken exclusive medication that could help his sour crop. What kinds of natural foods should I try first? I remember unsweetened/plain yogurt being among them, but I’m not sure.

Please give me an answer here, I’m having panic attacks over this kind of thing because I’ve had Blue for a few years now and I’m really bonded to him. He’s my baby, and I would never forgive myself if I unintentionally kill him.
Nine times out of ten the crop issue is caused by something else.

Worms and coccidiosis are two things that can cause crop issues. So can any one of the respiratory diseases.

Is he eating?
Do you have any respiratory disease going through your flock?
Nine times out of ten the crop issue is caused by something else.

Worms and coccidiosis are two things that can cause crop issues. So can any one of the respiratory diseases.

Is he eating?
Do you have any respiratory disease going through your flock?
He only eats food that he likes. So far, that’s mealworms, table scraps, and sometimes his usual scratch. He gets flock raiser + all flock too, but he will refuse to eat it unless it’s mixed with his favorite food.

No, all the other chickens are fine, they only sneeze once in a while (which I would think is normal)
You were given some testimonials from experienced people on your previous thread. @azygous is an authority on crop problems. If you don’t want to use it, get some Medistatin or nystatin here:
I decided this morning to use it after looking at multiple forums saying it works. My only problem is that he is very stubborn about eating it. I do plan to freeze it though. Thank you for recommending me these medications, and I’m sorry for being so on the fence about this kind of stuff 😓

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