will my broody care for chicks that have been under a heat lamp?


12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Sorry to bother all again but here's an update. During the night a chick hatched under the mom and appears to be just fine. There's one egg left--probably due tomorrow. Two of her chicks are in a separate box,under a heat lamp. The appear to be fine, driking and eating and sleeping and running around. The Mom is in a big box in the same room (they are all in my study).
Here's my question. Should I put the two from under the heat lamp in with her? I could put the lamp over the part where the mom isn't so they could do what they're doing now but near her. I would love it if she whould take care of them. I had planned to keep all indoors for several weeks until the chicks are ready to go out and the weather is warmer (in the 20's today). I was hoping that being with the mom would make it easier to introduce the youngsters to the flock later this spring.
We lost 4 chicks yesterday, but are so glad to have three healthy ones!
If it was me I would try to put them under her as soon as possible. It is best done when she is in a normal non lighted situation at night. Just keep an eye on her and if trouble arises, take them out and leave her alone with the one she has. She may abandon the egg in order to care for her baby.
I put right by her and she kind of pecked at it. Maybe I should try to slip it under her wing with the other one. But thes two that have been in the brooder have ben eating and drinking. So they might not want to be under Mama's wing
claraserena, Some broody hens are better moms than others. Sometimes it atkes a little time for her to catch on. Placing the pees with mom wihout the light, and also placing the feed and water with her and some feed scattered on the floor in front of her should get things in the right direction.

I would keep an eye on her and see how it goes. if she gets things under control, you should be ok.
It will have to be one way or the other, to keep things easy, and the peeps all together. If she is good with one she should care for all of them.

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I have peeked under the mom and see the one chick in a space between unhatched eggs. He seems to be doing fine. Should I just slip the two others next to him? I am so worried as these brooder chicks seem healthy. I don't want aything to happen to them. How will I be able to tell if they are doing ok without checking every other minute?
If she rejects them she will get up and run them off or peck at them constantly as if they are not supposed to be there. She should settle down very quickly if you put the under her. Wait till the little ones are asleep and then put them under the wing of the mama. Don't over react if she takes a little peck, just darken the room and watch for a while. You will know if she is really hostile to the new chicks.
Thank you!

I put themsunder her and things seem ok. I've checked a couple of times and all are breathing. Two of them peeked out (the one that's been under her and one of the brooder chicks). The brooder chick stood there awhile and the mom looked and kind of pecked but not hostile. The chick was right in her face and she let him peck her. Then the brooder chick slipped back under her wing which I see as very positive. So far so good.

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