Will My Chickens Need their Wings Clipped???


11 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Waco, Texas
Hubby got me 3 chicks March 22. They are two production rhode Island Reds and one New Hampshire red..
Will I need to clip their wings to keep them from going over the privacy fence. It's 6 foot in some places and about 5 ft in another ( it's the neighbors they haven't replaced it. it picks up where our 6 foot leaves off.
We also have Two oak trees in back yard don't want them in those !!! or on the roof of the house or garage.. LOL
I don't know for certain if you have to clip chickens wings, we never have and never had a problem with them flying up in trees much unless trying to get away from certain predators. Hopefully, someone that has raised chickens alot longer than I have will answer you question. Hope you have a good time with your new girls.
As long as they don't see or know about anything attractive on the other side, then it's highly unlikely that they're going to even CONSIDER going there.

In our flock of 42, only two of the hens are motivated enough to get over the floppy part of our chicken fence, and that's with knowing all the tasty grass, bugs, and fun there is to be had on the other side.

Chicken's aren't naturally strong fliers--especially the standard-sized breeds. As long as they're not panicked, they're highly unlikely to try to fly high. The only time mine fly (apart from the two that insist on free-ranging my yard) is when they see me approaching with kitchen scraps. Then a few will use their wings to try to beat the Christmas rush to the goodies.
I have a 6 foot privacy fence as well. I clipped their wings after the first time one of my girls got out. It's really easy to do. Just have one person hold and the other do it. There's a thread somewhere with pictures and I think even a youtubevid. I'd look but I need more coffee.

Someone on BYC suggested just doing one wing - they get offbalance then and stop trying to fly. That way when it grows out after a molt, you don't need to redo it.
I had to clip my whistling duck's wings she would fly to the garage roof and the house roof not to mention the neighbors back yard... I felt like a fool fussing and calling for her to come back home and dangling earthworms as a bribe... LOL.. The neighbor didn't mind but one yard over they have 3 big dogs !!! She got a boy friend two years ago and flew off with him after she molted.. I had her for almost 2 1/2 .. I know she is really happy now. I had my time with her. ( had 4 whistlers fly over this morning headed for the lake)
I don't want the girls roaming the neighbor hood... they are only 4 days old right now..
Hubby will be mowing the lawn and weed eating the back yard this summer as usual... the ducks just move to their day pen.. Not sure how the chickens will handle it...
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