Will my hens fly over my fence?


10 Years
Oct 5, 2009
Parthenon, Arkansas
Hi all... this is not my first flock, but a different kind of set up. I came from the desert where I had to have a smaller space totally bomb proofed for coyotes. Now, I'm on a ranch and they have a very large area where they can forage (about 100' long and 50' wide) but the fencing is only 3 feet high. It was too costly for me to build a higher fence. I only have 4 hens right now but will be increasing. The breeds are RIR and an older Delaware. I am looking for a rooster but will look for a calm breed that is not too flightly (might be getting a Swedish Flower rooster - waiting to hear back). Do you think the hens will generally respect the fence or will calmer breeds want to fly over?


It's impossible to say. There is no doubt they can fly out, but what motivation do they have? I've had hens, including a Delaware, fly out of a run with 5' fencing to get away from an amorous rooster. Once they learned they could fly out, they did every day just to go adventuring until I raised the fence.

I now keep chickens in a 4' high electric fence and they never fly out. I had one slip out through the coop door once. When I was trying to herd it back to the coop door to get it back inside, it just flew over the 4' high fenc e to rejoin its buddies.

If life is good inside that fence, they may decide to stay there. Or you may have an explorer that hops right over and leads the others into bad behavior. I truly don't know what will happen. But there is one way to find out. Good luck!!!
I'm with RidgeRunner. What's their contentment level and how motivated would they be to fly out? 3 feet is nothing to a chicken. I'd question whether clipping their wings would even stop them. I've seen 3' electric poultry webbing work quite well. The birds learn quickly to stay away from it.
I don't think a 3 foot high fence will keep them in. Have you thought about clipping their wings and even at that low of a height that might not work if you plan on adding a roost or anything above ground level.
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