will other chickens kill hen-hatched chicks in coop?


12 Years
May 8, 2007
We usually remove our hens from the coop the night before the eggs are due to hatch. But then I have hen and babies in our downstairs tub until they're old enough to integrate into the flock. Since the second hen is sitting on eggs and I'm already ready to be done with the first batch in the tub, I'm wondering if I can just let her have the babies in the coop.

Will the other chickens hurt the babies, or will mama hen defend them? There are currently 8 adult chickens (including 1 roo) in our flock, but the one hen is currently separate with her babies.

Thanks for any advice.
I will never again leave any new hatchlings in with the rest of the group. THEY WILL KILL THEM. As soon as they hatch I take them out and bring them into the house and put them in the brooder. If I have a hen seperated in a hutch by herself then I'll leave them with her but if there is any other hens or roos with the moma hen they come out after the hatch.

thank you so much! I had the feeling this was so, but was feeling lazy. I'll figure out some way to keep everyone out of harm's way. Can I keep the older set of chicks in the same space as the new ones, or do you think they will be old enough to integrate back in to the flock by then (they'll be about a month and a half at that point).
I'm no expert, at all, but isn't there something to be said for just letting things be? I have 8 layers and a friendly roo, 2 of the hens have had chicks, one 7, one 4. There is a little agression between the 2 broodys and their young, but other than that, they rule the roost. The other hens stay away. Even the rooster gets involved in raising the chicks.... finds food, and lets them ride around on his back. ha ha!!!
I guess it probably depends on the breed,. coop, temperment and so on. I would feel bad if a chick gets pecked to death but also I would feel bad to take chicks from their momma.
I let my broody raise her chick with the rest of the flock last year, before I found BYC. She is raising three with them now.

No way to know whether it will work unless you try it. Personal choice.

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