Will She Die? Toes Curled, Legs Back Spasming?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 14, 2008
SW Virginia
I have an OEG / Showgirl mix that I have had since she hatched. She is about 4-5 months old. About 3 weeks ago she started limping. Then that foot started to curl and she was walking on it like that. Then about 2 weeks ago I found her on her back trying to get up. So I have had her in isolation for the last two weeks. Both her legs now seem to not be working right. She tends to push them both back and wont sit on them right. She will sit when i place her right and will eat and drink then but when she tries to move she just spins around or just kicks. She looks good in her eyes, her comb has good color, no raspy, no bubbles, everything seems fine except her legs. I gave her tetracyclene for one week, then sulmet for 4 days, and have been giving her poly-visol (no iron) for about 5 days. I do not know what else to do for her or what it could be. No other chickens are showing any signs of the same illness

Edited.... I dont think its Mareks, but I am not really sure. She has been in a cage in the coop with the other chickens (like a parrot cage type thing on the ground. Any help would be great! Thank you!!
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Are there any experts (or non-experts, I will take any advice suggestions and try it) out there that can help? I am worried she will die or I will have to put her down because she cant live like this forever. Thanks guys!!
I just edited the first note, and the subject because no one has replied yet and usually I get really quick answers. Any help would be great. Thank you!!
I wish I had a definite answer for you. It could possibly be Mareks, the age is about right for that. Sometimes vitamin deficiencies, trauma.... can cause paralysis. It is a hard call. If she starts losing control of her head and neck, then I would suspect Mareks. I think you have done a lot for her, not much else to try. You can make her a sling, so she doesn't have to sit in poo and can reach her food/water easier.... but if her quality of life does not improve or she becomes painful, then I would look into letting her go. Best Wishes for your chicken, i would I could give you more hope.....
I'm not sure how much help I am but I am reading all posts of this type because we have a chicken in a very similar situation. She is great but can't walk. The vet said maybe calcium deficiency as she is just coming into lay. He gave her a shot of calcium but I also gave her her own dish of oyster shell and she ate a lot of it. They do have it free choice in the coop. She has improved a little, hobbles around on her knees but can't go anywhere and this was a week ago.

Reading on here that vitamin B deficiency can also cause these symptoms. Generally directions say to grind up a vitamin B COMPLEX tablet and put in their food. One per day. She spills a lot of food so I put half in the food and half in the water. could take a week or so to improve. I just started this yesterday. I think ours is starting to lose weight even though she is eating a lot. I am going to make her a mash of oats, egg and honey. This is supposed to help too? Good luck to you. It is very hard to figure out what is going on. See if she grips with her toes. And feel along her leg for breaks or something. I wonder if ours has dislocated her hip or something but I don't know. Good luck again!

ps Polyvisol has a lot of vitamin B but others have said it is not enough in this situation.

use the search function on the site for vitamin b deficiency.

The weird thing is that ours is very cheerful. She eats and pecks and tries to bathe in the shavings. She really does seem fine except for the legs. I'm concerned about the weight though, she really did feel lighter to me today.
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Sounds like you are doing everything right. The only other thing I would suggest is isolating her completely from the others in a seperate area rather than isolating her within the coop, just in case it is an infectious disease. Could very well be mareks. But, idk. Good luck!
Also- Poultry Nutri-drench is a very good suppliment to give with lots of vitamins. I give mine 1/2 dropper full a day depending on age/size when they are stressed, moulting, or under the weather. It really boosts them up. You can find it at TSC.
Thank you guys for the support and advice. I will get some vitamin B today and try to get her to take it. Also some calcium too. Hopefully she gets better
She doesn't seem to be in any pain, she tries to get around, she just cant. It is the exact same as you were describing in your chicken. She hasn't lost control of her head or neck....yet. I was thinking of the sling, I had dont that with another chicken a long time ago. It is just whenever I go overboard trying to help them, they end up dying anyways. Makes me crazy. Will also get the nutri-drench too. I will let you know Qi Chicken if I find any additional info or suggestions out. Thanks again everyone !! If anyone else has any other ideas as well, I am still listening
to the BYC Community.
Remember theres a couple different B's. B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12 and biotin is considered a B. With humans B12 deficiency is the most common to cause nerve symptoms. If you don't know which one she's deficient in get a good complex that has all of these.
So sorry you and your chicken are having this struggle. Is there any chance she got into some molded food? If your rain and humidity are like mine, it's a real risk. It causes permanant neurological damage. I had one young rooster get some moldy food out of a crevice last year, he eventually had to be euthanised. Limping, followed by leg paralysis was the first symptom.

Try the vitamins for sure, I really hope it works. Dribble them along the side of her beak, and put some in her water, too. Give her some scrambled eggs, mine love that even when they won't eat anything else.

Best of luck.

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