Will she ever lay?

It's more that she is going through the motions. She will go in and sit come back out and act normal. She if you move her she doesn't protest like the broody buffs. I changed to Ca on the side because I had 2 broody buffs and her not laying. I didn't change back to the layer feed because the buffs started taking the oyster shells after the broodiness and they have been having no problems with eggs at all. I was thinking the black may just never lay. I had heard that the English black orps mature slow and she had a lot of stress with her move and the death of her sister. For many weeks you could see that she was not her self and did not go by the other girls. Now she has a new friend and seems like a very happy girl. Like I said I won't cull if she doesn't lay as long as she is ok. Normally I would but that's my sons girls and that's is the first thing does went gets home from school, is check on her. I don't want to harm her or any of the other girls by giving the wrong foods either. I was told that when the new chicks we have coming in March no to put out the layer and just provide suppumental Ca for the layers.

She does manage to get her self in so trouble. As you can see she loves the blow dryer. She has gotten in the sprinklers a few times and she is so full if I et her dry I can take a hole day. It is warm down here but 50s and a wet hen bothers me. I tell her to come dry off and she runs up to the blow dryer. I can set it down and she does the work her self.
I don't think that was our intention. It's just to keep erroneous information from getting perpetuated.

There are lots of things that, once said, live in perpetuity.

I've even heard people on many occasions say that layer feed will induce laying, another falsehood.
Almost everything someone says, they've heard from someone they thought was knowledgeable.

I've felt stupid lots of times when, in retrospect, I should have known better.

If I correct advice, I try to back it up with the reasons it may be false info.

We all feel stupid from time to time.
Have a very merry Christmas.
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Well said, ChickenCanoe - I am not so diplomatic.

Misinformation is worse than no information.
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I even got a good laugh from her. My biggest girl and smallest egg. Middle

Congratulations!!! My flock of six are all Easter Egger's and the first egg of the only two laying started off in the "Pee Wee" weight range. Their egg sizes increased rapidly. Now if the other 34 weeker's will start to lay.
Everyone here should get together and write a book of funny things with chickens. My oldest boy comes in after seeing that the girl has final laid her first egg after a long time. He was excited, wife and I were to. We all go back to doing what we were, then my youngest(5) comes in the room looking like he lost his best friend. Concerned we asked what's wrong. He looks up with the those big sad eyes near tears and said," now that blackie laid an egg, she cannt be my pet anymore". We had told told him that she she could stay as long as she wanted as his pet if she never laid a single egg. He thought that now she lays eggs that she couldn't be his pet. He was so upset that was going to lose his pet. As he is near tears worried we are taking his pet, my wife and I are trying not to laugh. I wish I had video. Now he has a big PET Laying Orpington. My story telling is not good but I hope you get the pictures.

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