Will she sit?

Oneacre Homestead

8 Years
May 25, 2011
So I have a pair of American Buffs. They are a year old. They has a nest filled with about 12 eggs. She started her nest outside the pen and some eggs got eaten by some varmit so I had to move her nest inside the pen ( a few feet). She has been laying in the new nest since. She lays one every couple or few days. She has been laying for a couple of months, and I thought if I let the eggs build up she would sit on them. I got excited a
Few days ago because she sat on them for a few hours, but no, eh has not been in the nest since.
Just asking for opinions- Do you think she will sit on these eggs if I give her time?
I was wondering if maybe she is too young.
They are definitely mating and are very protective of the nest.
If she is not going to get with it, I may give a few of her eggs to a chicken.

Thanks in advance peeps!
I think she will sit. Since it's her first time it's going to be trial and error
My 1 year old started laying months ago. I ended up throwing away 25 eggs when they started going bad. She kept on laying for at least a month and over the weekend she finally settled down on her nest. It took nearly 3 months before she was ready. Be patient, if she is ready, she will do it.
That's a familiar story. If I were you, I would give some eggs to a chicken. I've done it and it's remarkable how fast goslings get larger than their chicken mama. Really a conversation piece..........Pop

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