Will swapping Muscovy eggs cause problems

I pulled all of my little girl's eggs and brought them in the house. I was going to split my wild girl's nest and give one duck 4 of the eggs and one 3 which I did initially. I became concerned because my wild girl's eggs were not under her or together some of them were pushed way under the straw and actually cold to the touch.
I made the hard decision to take my wild girl completely off the nest and give all 8 eggs ( yes, I found one more) to my little girl. Because her nest is outside she dug it down into the ground. Her eggs are staying together well and I know none of them are going to come out of the nest unless she pushes them out.
She actually had one egg that she laid a few days ago and then pushed out of her nest. I put it back by the nest and the next morning she had pushed it 2 feet away. (This was before she started setting and I swapped eggs on her). She wasn't going to have anything to do with that egg ( she probably sensed it was a rebellious child 😂). I'm hoping that if any of these 8 eggs are dead she will figure that out and boot them out of the nest.
Birds are so amazing. A few hours ago I found a robin's nest with 4 eggs a few yards from the duck run. ~~ My cat was trying to climb the tree and mama robin was letting her have it. Now I've got another broody mama to worry about. The baby robins will hatch before the Muscovy, so that will be a treat.
Maybe your wild girl slipped her egg into little girls nest and little girl knew and said to herself, I do not want a rebellious wild child to try and raise right. So out of here gave her the web instead of the boot. :p[lack of sleep]

So you had 3 broodys one isn't getting any?

Will you little girl be safe from predators being she has made her nest in the ground?No way any of mine could brood outside of their house.
Maybe your wild girl slipped her egg into little girls nest and little girl knew and said to herself, I do not want a rebellious wild child to try and raise right. So out of here gave her the web instead of the boot. :p[lack of sleep]

So you had 3 broodys one isn't getting any?

Will you little girl be safe from predators being she has made her nest in the ground?No way any of mine could brood outside of their house.
That's is right, all three girls are broody. I took wild girl's nest away because she wasn't keeping her eggs together and warm and I'm sure a few of them are no longer viable as they were cold to the touch. She had them lost in the hay around her nest. I really had to search around to even find them.
She's not happy that I took her nest poor girl. I'm not sure if her instincts are poor or what but only about 3 of the 8 eggs were being kept under her.

My little girl will be okay I think. She is still enclosed in the run and in a bit of a protected area. We have virtually no predators where we are located. An occasional deer that wanders through. Our biggest threat will be crows and hawks. Once the babies hatch I have a part of the run I'm going to section off for the mamas and babies that will have a shelter I can lock them in at night, a small grassy area for the ducklings to be on and a net over it to keep aerial predators out.
I'm hopeful it will work out well.
Just hard to know what is going on in those bird brains. I actually had one give up today after over a month. 2 to go lol. Still grumpy but that will decress in the next few days. Are you in the US?
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Just hard to know what is going on in those bird brains. I actually had one give up today after over a month. 2 to go lol. Still grumpy but that will decress in the next few days. Are you in the US?
Yes North Idaho 😊
My wild girl decided she was going to try to steal a nest from one of my other girls. I finally had to separate her away from both girls, but with my male so neither one is alone. I hope she breaks this broody mood soon. It sure stinks having the group separated.

I'm glad your one finally broke broody, maybe the other two will follow her lead.
I was just wondering since you said you have very few predators.

It takes a while for the hormones to settle back down. Even the one who gave up yesterday is still grumpy as heck.

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