Will they eat my garden?

Mine prefer bugs to my veggie plants, i have 3 guinea nesting in the mustard greens that i let go to seed , while giving my bees something to work on, they don't bother anything sept my weiner dog when he happens apon them sitting, poor weiner dog.

I usually keep the hot wire on but the guines are smart and fly over the fence. i lost 2 last year to the fence when they got their horn stuck in the fence. but now they are all very careful around the fence.
Mine don't bother the flower gardens. They currently have a nest under a big Hosta plant. But to quote my husband they are "like 6 years olds on Halloween candy" around the vegetable gardens.
They went thru the Swiss Chard like a hot knife thru butter right after we planted. Yesterday within 3 minutes of taking the row covers off the lettuces and cabbages I had to chase 2 of our Guineas out of that bed.
I'd LOVE for them to eat the bugs but leave the veggies.

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