Will they sell?

chick peeps

5 Years
May 3, 2014
I am thinking of ordering 15 female chicks from a production pack from Meyer Hatchery. Although I won't be able to keep all of them. If I order them I will get them in the first or second week of June, I want to know if you think they will sell pretty easy. I think they will since they will be for sure females but I just don't know.
It depends. Can you measure your local market on CL? Put and ad on CL and see if someone wants to go in with you on an order. June is about the cutoff for chickens as they won't start laying until the holidays. Lots of people don't want to diddle with chickens in the winter but if your winters are mild than you don't see the drop off like you do on other markets. Even if you buy sexed pullets, there is still a good chance you will end up with 1-2 cockerels. Expect to lose 2 before they are 2 weeks old just because. Buy an attractive selection of birds. I do really well with EEs and wyandottes when I buy chicks to grow out and sell.
I am thinking of ordering 15 female chicks from a production pack from Meyer Hatchery. Although I won't be able to keep all of them. If I order them I will get them in the first or second week of June, I want to know if you think they will sell pretty easy. I think they will since they will be for sure females but I just don't know.

They will sell! Especially if you raise them until they are full feathered at around 7 to 8 weeks. I raise and sell a LOT of them for $10 each at that age. All it takes is an ad on the Farm and Garden section of Craig's List. The ad is free. You can also sell part of the chicks the same way. Ask if anyone wants to split an order with you. A lot of people, like you, only want a few chickens. Good Luck with your new babies!
I have been trying to sell ducklings for a few days that everyone I tried to buy from said they sell like hotcakes... it depends on your area nd the market at the moment.
We have raised many chicks and always find good homes just locally for them. We post on the local classifieds and or signs at the local feed stores. Best of luck

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