Window Pane Rock Candy


8 Years
Apr 21, 2011
Katy, TX
This recipe was requested in the March baked goods swap and I thought I'd post it here too in case anyone was interested....

Window Pane Rock Candy
2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup water
3/4 cup corn syrup
1 dram essential oil flavoring
food coloring, if desired
2 tsp powdered sugar

In a medium saucepan, bring the sugar, water, and syrup to a boil; stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Using a candy thermometer, let the mixture get to 300 deg. F. (The temps rise fast from 250 up so keep an eye out!)

While the sugar mixture is heating up, line a cookie sheet with wax paper and spray liberally with oil.

Once the mixture is at temperature, add the flavoring and food coloring. Stir. Pour out onto the oiled cookie sheet. Move fast as it starts to set quickly. Don't worry about any bubbles, they will work themselves out. Let it cool completely (1 - 2 hours). Using the wax paper, carefully pry the sheet of candy off the cookie sheet. Peel off the wax paper and invert the candy back onto the cookie sheet (so what was the bottom is now facing up).

With a hard, blunt object (I use a knife handle.) whack the candy into bite sized pieces. Put into a storage container (I use two pint mason jars). Add a tsp of the powdered sugar to each jar, put on lid and shake until all the pieces are coated in a light covering of sugar. Makes 2 pints candy.


If anything is unclear, just ask! I would be happy to clarify. :) It sounds like a lot of work, but after you do it once it is pretty straight forward and easy.
about a teaspoon. The flavorings come in 1 dram bottles, so there is no need to measure it! :)

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