Wing clipping


8 Years
Jul 7, 2012
My chicks are 3 weeks old, now I know this is going to be a lot of WORK. With that said I have 86 chicks 56 chickens 30 guineas, should I clip their wings? If so when should I clip their wings and how, is there a you tube video on it, and yes we are going to free rang.
If you are going to free range then if you clip their wings you destroy their chances of getting away from a predator.

People that want to clip the flight feathers are keeping them inside a pen usually, not free ranging.

Please forgive me if I have misunderstood your question.
You can get information and a photo on wind clipping in the Learning Center at the top of this page.

There can be legitimate reasons to clip wings, but it is not something all of us do. I don't. However, why you want to is your business, not mine.

You can clip them any time. If the feathers are actively growing in, they can bleed, so watch that. Also you need to do it every time they molt. Chicks molt twice before they reach their adult plumage. They just outgrow their feathers and need to replace them.
If you are going to free range then if you clip their wings you destroy their chances of getting away from a predator.

People that want to clip the flight feathers are keeping them inside a pen usually, not free ranging.

Please forgive me if I have misunderstood your question.
I am a green horn that is why I am asking :) The ONLY time they will be in a pen is at night. Q: have you read my other posts?
ok, here is my predicament...i have 10 acreas but neighbors, dogs etc..I got my first 3 chickens 3 months ago at 2 months old. I have them "trained" to return to the coup at night. I have the coup in a horse corral (50 x 100) ..the coup is small......I begin by fencing off part of the coral with intentions of letting them roam there. They quickly proved to me the 4' fence was no barrier for them. So since then (2 months ago) i have let them roam during the day. I have enjoyed watching them when I am home and I just shut the coup door after dusk. It was working great..BUT, lost my first one a couple days ago....a seasoned chicken lady suggested I clip the wings and keep them in the 50 x 100 fence during the day and on weekends or when I am around, let them roam the property if i want to....
so I was going to clip the wings to keep them from flying over the fence...does this make sense.....????
Sounds like a great Idea, however you might want to get a couple black shade cloths to cover your yard instead of clipping the wings. That way when they are free ranging on the weekends with you outside they can get away from the other predators around the area. I've used the shade cloth and chicken wire to get by on my pens.
It is easy if you have help,do it at night when they are settled in their coop. Have one person hold the chicken. Take one wing and spread it out with your fingers. Takes the sharp scissors and only cut the first 8 to 10 bottom feathers. No more then 2 inches from the tip of the feathers.and your done.only clip one side tho.if uou do.t go above the 2 inch you will be fine.that is how we do ours. And they stay in their 4ft fence on a 1/2 acre.and are happy.
i noticed you have a "mean old tom cat"....i am trying to figure out foes.....since you have a 4' fence then the cat could "go over it" huh? bottom line, will a house cat kill a chicken? I noticed one of the neighbors sitting looking at them? my fence would have your regular wood fence post with the chicken wire/dog wire attached to would be easy for a cat to climb over if it was so inclined .???thanks

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