Wing Injury? Green skin along wing bone!?! Seizures? Now with pics!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 14, 2008
SW Virginia
I have a NHRed pullet, she is about 5 months old. She has been acting strange for several days, she will be sitting there and then tilt her head backward and then flip backwards as if she is going into a seizure. She mostly does it when she drinks, but sometimes when she does nothing she will tilt her head back, and lose her balance and roll over backwards and flap her wings and do a backflip. I thought it was heat stroke or something the other day so I brought her in the air conditioning for a while, she seemed better so I put her back. She does it off and on. She is in a coop and free ranges throughout the day. Tonight, I noticed under her wing, while looking for possible bugs, when I raised up her wing, the tip seemed raw and seepy, and along her bone/muscle area, the skin look green, like it was moldy/milduey but it wasnt, her skin was actually that color like it was the color of her skin or under her skin. What could that possibly be? Could it be an injury that has gotten way infected? What would turn her skin GREEN? Could this be causing her seizure like activity? She uses her wings fine, but its green along the bone and seepy at the ends. LIke a clear liquid a little. Please help. I am lost here. THank you!!!!
Pics added this morning:
Acting normal:

Eating Normal:

End of the back flip, it is hard to catch with a digital camera, she is alone now, minus the other chicken:


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This sounds worrisome ... please post a pic. You are correct to be concerned... the neurological symptoms indicate something is seriously wrong.
It MIGHT be indicating some anatomical displacement in the wing and bruising from that (injury) or evn a disease process (such as "blue wing " disease/

or "wing-rot/gangenrous dermatitis
> see 2.9.3
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Thank you for responding. I will take a photo tomorrow morning. I wandering if maybe it is bruised from her doing backflips, or if indeed it may be causing the backflips. It is fairly green, almost like a true green color. I will definitely take pics in the morning and post them. I feel horrible that I didnt notice the green wing earlier. She is sleeping on the floor in the coop right now, she usually roosts but for the past two nights, she stays on the floor, I am guessing the seizures continue through the night. I call them seizures, but I don't really know what it is she is doing. I will take pics of that action too.
separate her and keep away from the others (if it is infectious caused)... if you notice it spreading you need to get a vet to look at it (perhaps you can contact your extension office to get the phone number of the state vet and call and ask if they can test for gangrenous dermitits > they might come for that (and thus be able to diagnose if something else hehehe)
One more piece of info that may be useful, I had some older NH Reds that I have had for quite a while, well since my first post on the emergency site, she was one that was attacked originally, she died about 1 week ago, before this girl started showing any signs of trouble. She died one night with no signs of trauma and no symptoms before her death. She was not old, she was not even laying eggs yet when I got her. Do you think they are linked? Lately, all my hens combs are slightly hung over in the front and not quite as red as they used to be. They also have feces sticking to around their vent area and their feces is sometimes kind of runny/watery. I was attributing it to the heat. Could this be linked as well? The older hens are in the same coop as the one experiencing the problems as well as 3 other girls her age. So there are 8 chickens all together.
I will surely call first thing tomorrow morning and keep her in a crate from now on. I really do not want all my chickens to die. I have 40 chicks (3 months old approx) in the coop next to them (D-uccles and silkies). I would swear off chickens all together if they all died of something.
just keep the gal with the strange wing "bruising" away from the others and monitor them for same...
there might be something else (simutaneously) going on... have you ever wormed them? if not now would be a good time to do so. The weather (heat stress) is very hard on your birds... I would suggest (as all the poultry science articles do) that you add a good general supplement to their feed to compensate for them eating less during the heat . AviaCharge 2000 (available to purchase online from McMurry or Strombergs) is an excellent complete balanced supplement which is also approved for organic certified.

Oh... for the girl with the neurological symptoms... give her four drops of POLYVISOL in beak once a day for a week then taper off the next and go look at walmart/kmart or other drugstore for a combo vitE/selenium geltab (human) > make SURE the selenium content does not exceed 50 MICROgrams per tab and give one of those in beak (p r i ck open and squeeze out contents) once a day for two days then wait and another onein three days and see if those two measures help > give her the general supplement too (AviaCharge)
Thank you dlhunicorn. I will do all that first thing in the morning as soon as I can get them from the store. Can I use a general electrolyte/vitamin supplement instead of aviacharge2000 until I can get some in? And also I will do the other items you explained in conjunction. I have some Polyvisol from my Rooster that is in my garage now from a puncture wound he got two weeks ago from a dog bite (which, by the way is still an open hole showing his insides). I am running out of sick bays for these guys. I will have to do some chicken maneuvering tomorrow to free up some space for her to be by herself, in the mean time, in the doggy crate she goes. I will get the pics and update tomorrow. Thanks again for stickin with me here.
Oh, I use watering system where they use the drippers that they lift with their beaks to drink. Do you suggest a worming remedy that is best? I have wazine. The only thing available close by is Tractor supply. I can take those out of commission and put back the standard waterers I had before for worming purposes. What is the best most efficient wormer?
Can I use a general electrolyte/vitamin supplement instead of aviacharge2000 until I can get some in?
you should not give electrolytes unless there is specific indication to do so (drinking too litle/dehydration...shock...stress) they are no substitute for a general supplement... and the aviacharge is not the cheapest supplement (nor the most expensive) but it is the most complete supplement I know of that is a daily formulation (and therefore extremely useful for ill birds) .
I would go with ivomecEprinex (seems pricey but it goes a long way and you can do your entire flock ) it is broad spectrum (the "approved" wormers are not > only effectove on one type ) and is "easy" on the birds system... will get a lot of mites/lice too (use the spot on topical application at the base of neck not in the water> lots of posts here on dosage etc for it)

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