Winter and Summer Watering system w/ waterer nipples and heater.

so i guess i can move the waterer to the other end of the coop by the pole barn and keep my air compressor by the door for the winter. geez ! been there all this time and couldnt figure it out. thank you
You cannot leave those Pocket Hoses out in the sunlight. It deteriorates them.

Found that out the hard way, but when you turn them off and undo them from the faucet, they shrink up, dispel the water, and are very light.

Put them in a 5G bucket and put a lid on. A 5G bucket will hold at least 500 feet of that hose if you so desired. VERY compact, but you really, really do have to take good care of them.
omg ! someone else told me to blow it out and i thought they meant , well, i didnt have that much breath. haha i tried

If you have enough hose, run it over a tree limb and as long as it's downhill on one end, when you disconnect from the faucet, it'll siphon out.

You can raise the "faucet" end and walk it out, with no nozzle on the other end, after it's disconnected, walk to the other end as you hold the hose up, it will drain and ready for the next time.

My grandmother was 97 when she passed and she still worked a garden in the Summer and took care of her animals all year 'round. She could also still lay her hands flat on the floor/ground while standing flat-footed.

"Old" is no excuse, unless you're blind, crippled or crazy, which you obviously are not.
mr. robert, i knew i was gonna have trouble out of you the min. i saw your name, it is my sons name too and you talk like him. haha i am actually not that old. 50, but yes i am disabled , i cant see very well and just a little crazy ! i did walk the hose out for the past 3 yrs. and i need something a little easier on me . i have been a city girl for 35 yrs. and i got sick of it so i bought me a mini farm in the country. 3 ac. there was not one tree on this place when i moved here and i alone have planted over 600 not counting shrubs and flowers. then i had my first heart attack, then 2nd then 3rd. and because i have been on steroids my whole life my bones are about gone. i fell and broke my hip this past winter on my ramp and it doesn't want to work right now. BUT if i have to walk a hose every 3 days that is what i will do because i will not give trees are not growing and if i put the weight of 150ft. hose on one of them i would just kiss the tree goodbye. btw, i love your little man at the bottom of your post. how did you get that on there?
Sounds like you're fighting the reaper.

You can right click on almost any image and save it to a file, then when you want ti include it in a post, you click on the image insert and go get it. Just like you would any picture. It's a .gif file and it'll save andf paste that way.

Put a tall "beanpole" up and tie the hose to that, about 25-30 feet from the spigot end, opposite the downslope. It will drain on its own when you unhook it.
It gets anywhere from 0 to -30 here. So the hose usually freezes and does not thaw for quite sometime! Guess I will just have to keep hauling buckets! First snow last night. Most of it gone now. But it will be back to stay soon.
It gets anywhere from 0 to -30 here. So the hose usually freezes and does not thaw for quite sometime! Guess I will just have to keep hauling buckets! First snow last night. Most of it gone now. But it will be back to stay soon.
OMG -30..... can a breed of chicken live in that climate?? I guess so, but wow.
It gets anywhere from 0 to -30 here. So the hose usually freezes and does not thaw for quite sometime! Guess I will just have to keep hauling buckets! First snow last night. Most of it gone now. But it will be back to stay soon.
It wouldn't be too hard to build an insulated storage box for your hose that could be heated with a small light bulb
It gets anywhere from 0 to -30 here. So the hose usually freezes and does not thaw for quite sometime! Guess I will just have to keep hauling buckets! First snow last night. Most of it gone now. But it will be back to stay soon.

Obviously it is almost 100% easier to drain the hose each time rather than hauling 5G buckets of water several times a day, so I don't get it.
If you disconnect the hose at the faucet after use and blow in it, you will remove enough water that it won't freeze solid.
Best case scenario; blow it out with an air hose on an air compressor.
And Bear Foot is right, a 100W bulb in a 3' x 3' box would keep it from freezing, but, then again, if you have to roll and unroll it each time, why not just "walk" the water out from one end to the other?
It ain't rocket science. LOL

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