Winter Wonder Land

Spud Chicken

12 Years
May 26, 2011
Well its the first week of Oct. and already got the first snow.
Wow funny, everything is so green still. It's sunny and 85 here today, windy though which is blowing all the yellow/red leaves off the trees. I am NOT ready for snow. In December I'll accept it. If I only I were so lucky for it to wait that long....
It's been 80 here all week but we have hardly a leaf left on the trees. Normal highs are in the high 50s to low 60s this time of year. Very strange weather!
Like Orchy says, we have nary a leaf to be seen, and what there is still hanging around is all brown and yellow. The wind is howling and the sky can't decide if it's cloudy or not. But its 80 degrees out.

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